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From a GI Article:


The spells also have varying attacks. As I walked down a path toward the village of Riverwood, I spotted two wolves on a nearby hill. When they caught my scent they came charging down the hill and I met them with a powerful flamethrower attack by holding down the spell button.


It might be separate skills, but from the way that is written, it seems to not be, but I don't know. I haven't been able to watch the QuakeCon video, so I am only basing things on what others are saying right now.

This is referring to the fact that you can maintain the stream of flames by holding the button down.


I know my word is about as good as any other random internet shenaniganeer, but you're going to have to trust those of us who have seen the QuakeCon demo. Anyone else who's seen it care to chime in here? Either way, we both win because it means the end of the cluttered spell list!

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Does anyone know if there will be a bank type building where you could put your money in and maybe rob other peoples money?

I really doubt it. Think it would ruin the flow of the game too. Just rush in steal all the monies and not bother to quests or looting dungeons.


It's not gonna be that easy. They could make it super hard to steal, and random amounts of loot everytime. Like the bank empties out its vault at the end of the day and stuff. Plus, other than that, the only ways to make money is dungeons and quests, and they get old very fast. A bank would only add to the game and would be a very good addition to the game IMO. It would also be a prized target for thief characters, something they can boast about and be infamous throughout the lands.

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Does anyone know if there will be a bank type building where you could put your money in and maybe rob other peoples money?

I really doubt it. Think it would ruin the flow of the game too. Just rush in steal all the monies and not bother to quests or looting dungeons.


It's not gonna be that easy. They could make it super hard to steal, and random amounts of loot everytime. Like the bank empties out its vault at the end of the day and stuff. Plus, other than that, the only ways to make money is dungeons and quests, and they get old very fast. A bank would only add to the game and would be a very good addition to the game IMO. It would also be a prized target for thief characters, something they can boast about and be infamous throughout the lands.

Just work the thieves guild. It's the same deal basically.
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Does anyone know if there will be a bank type building where you could put your money in and maybe rob other peoples money?

I really doubt it. Think it would ruin the flow of the game too. Just rush in steal all the monies and not bother to quests or looting dungeons.


It's not gonna be that easy. They could make it super hard to steal, and random amounts of loot everytime. Like the bank empties out its vault at the end of the day and stuff. Plus, other than that, the only ways to make money is dungeons and quests, and they get old very fast. A bank would only add to the game and would be a very good addition to the game IMO. It would also be a prized target for thief characters, something they can boast about and be infamous throughout the lands.

Just work the thieves guild. It's the same deal basically.


Have you guys played the Nehrim mod? It has a bank in the main city, Erothin, set up on a vault system. There are a few dozen vaults, each of which has its own key and varying amounts of gold/valuables. I wasn't even playing a thief character (he may, in fact, have been the worst sneak in all the lands), but I had tremendous fun tracking down the vaults' owners from a stolen manifest, stealing or pickpocketing their keys, and robbing them of their hard-earned savings!


Such a thing could work in Skyrim without being game-breaking as long as there's not one big Ocean's Eleven-style heist to be made.


...on second thought, that would be awesome. Can that be in the Thieve's Guild line?

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Does anyone know if there will be a bank type building where you could put your money in and maybe rob other peoples money?

I really doubt it. Think it would ruin the flow of the game too. Just rush in steal all the monies and not bother to quests or looting dungeons.


It's not gonna be that easy. They could make it super hard to steal, and random amounts of loot everytime. Like the bank empties out its vault at the end of the day and stuff. Plus, other than that, the only ways to make money is dungeons and quests, and they get old very fast. A bank would only add to the game and would be a very good addition to the game IMO. It would also be a prized target for thief characters, something they can boast about and be infamous throughout the lands.

Just work the thieves guild. It's the same deal basically.


Have you guys played the Nehrim mod? It has a bank in the main city, Erothin, set up on a vault system. There are a few dozen vaults, each of which has its own key and varying amounts of gold/valuables. I wasn't even playing a thief character (he may, in fact, have been the worst sneak in all the lands), but I had tremendous fun tracking down the vaults' owners from a stolen manifest, stealing or pickpocketing their keys, and robbing them of their hard-earned savings!


Such a thing could work in Skyrim without being game-breaking as long as there's not one big Ocean's Eleven-style heist to be made.


...on second thought, that would be awesome. Can that be in the Thieve's Guild line?


See thats exactly what I want! Some good ole fashioned fun. Be honest, in Oblivion all you really only did was raid dungeons and do quests. There were many many buildings in each city, but they were profitless to rob or just plain boring. There needs to be a real world experience in Skyeim, and it's getting there with the ability to sabotage the economy and stuff. Why not add a bank? Obviously it would be near impossible to rob, But that makes it all the more fun. I'm tired of just dungeons dungeons dungeons ayleid ruins dungeons dungeons.... Make the cities interesting to be in, with lots of things to do.

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Don't get me wrong, I love me some dungeon-crawling. Sometimes literally if I'm playing a Sneak. AND the dungeons in Skyrim look very promising...


...but sometimes I just like stealing people's crap. In Oblivion or Morrowind, it was only a certain amount of exciting to know you made off with someone's silverware. Or their pants.


"NO! Not my Blacksmith Pants...how will I blacksmith now?"

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Bethesda needs to make stealing more exciting. Like if you are caught stealing, they cut of your arm, like back in the day. Lol not exactly that but something that makes it much more exciting, scary, and worthwhile. I want to ponder about stealing an item before I do it. Like in real life, ya know? Some morality involved. Edited by Violentguy
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The first thing I ever test in an ES game is stealing. Just to see what happens. I'm very curious to see what they change, if anything, in Skyrim; but, I kind of don't want to know so I can find out for myself in the first unsuspecting town in-game.


"Stop right there, criminal scum!"


Does anyone remember something from way back that said crimes weren't psychically transmitted to every town's guards, and that it would be a regional thing? Or did the thief in me dream that?

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The first thing I ever test in an ES game is stealing. Just to see what happens. I'm very curious to see what they change, if anything, in Skyrim; but, I kind of don't want to know so I can find out for myself in the first unsuspecting town in-game.


"Stop right there, criminal scum!"


Does anyone remember something from way back that said crimes weren't psychically transmitted to every town's guards, and that it would be a regional thing? Or did the thief in me dream that?


There is a lot of confirmed changes, but I don't want to ruin it for you, as you said. I'll just tell you that the guards aren't psychic anymore. Oh, and if you go into sneak mode near one, they will follow you to make sure you won't do anything illegal. Which is pretty realistic IMO.

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