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<br>Mind you, lore-wise it would make more sense for the Blade guy to become high king of Skyrim. First off, it would fit in with the lore for consecutive games, so that they don't have to say the king was "an unknown person" or "a character with no distinguishable name or easily definable race" to cover who it is who actually is king for that period.<br>[/<br><br><br>And whoever said BGS can't make it happen? Still _____ left for an expedition to Akavir and hasn't been heard from sense. It was the Nerevarine. I am sure Bethesda can think of a way to do it. Just because they don't have your name doesn't mean they won't just call you by a Title ie Champion of Cyrodiil, Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch, that sort of stuff. It is not impossible BGS just needs a way to confront it which they did in the other games and I'm sure they will do in the ES after Skyrim in a similar or different way. But it's true without these Titles the lore would be hard to write. It's good to thank Bethesda for this because unlike some companies they give you customization but for the later games it can be difficult because you have a custom race and name (custom race by meaning you can customize it in the Vanilla game not meaning a mod added a Drow race or something) vs something like TES Travels Redguard you had a preset name and face. (If I remember right.). So as I said BGS gives us more Freedom of the game but for the next ES it will be "Logged" in to lore. and gives them more thinking it Limits versus say if the Champion of Cyrodiil they made have a name and preset race they could of easily named the Champion of Cyrodiil the Emperor. I agree with you mostly but there are ways to get past those limits like with Titles.
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Awesome screens Mhonolithe! :D


And Leopold, Skyrim have had many queens and countesses throughout the history. ;)



And yes, there are no problem lore-wise to make the player High King, just like it was no problem making the player the Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch, Champion of Cyrodiil, Sheogorath, and just think of all the guilds you are head of!

But, I would like to have an option to either become High King/Queen(?) or have someone else become that. :)

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Will wood elves be in the game? They may have another name which I'm not familiar with, like Dunmer = Dark Elf.


Bosmer, and yes, there have been several screenies of them.


And I meant as the sole ruler. Plus, it would mean double recording a lot of dialogue...


Ah, thx man. Never understood that Bosmer were wood elves :tongue:

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You forgot the closed square bracket :P And yeah, I hadn't thought of that, very good point.


Question: What if you are female? I didn't think the people of Skyrim were very keen on female rulers, and wouldn't they be queen as well?


The closed square bracket was there but the errors removed it. Hey Zaldiir would you be able to ask an Admin about this? It's annoying lol.

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I just think I understood one of the small differences between bosmers and dunmers. The Dunmer with the blades, which is confirmed to be a dunmer has sort of banana shaped ears, and the ones that are supposed to be bosmers have straight and sharp ears. I could be terribly wrong and it turns out that you actually can change your ear shape, idk. Edited by hejpadig
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I just think I understood one of the small differences between bosmers and dunmers. The Dunmer with the blades, which is confirmed to be a dunmer has sort of banana shaped ears, and the ones that are supposed to be bosmers have straight and sharp ears. I could be terribly wrong and it turns out that you actually can change your ear shape, idk.


The main difference is the skin shade. Bosmers can go betwen a very light pinky-white to a darker, almost brown as one screen shot showed, whereas dark elves are usually a shade of blue.


Plus, Dark Elves have awesome voices, unless, apparently, they live in Cyrodiil

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