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I am sure there will be at least five mods out to stop regen by the time Skyrim is released.


To my knowledge, it will refill REALLY slow, like with the fallout NV health regen implant. You won't even notice it unless you wait/sleep/fast travel.


Also take note that in oblivion, you could heal out of combat instantly at any time by waiting.

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I am sure there will be at least five mods out to stop regen by the time Skyrim is released.


To my knowledge, it will refill REALLY slow, like with the fallout NV health regen implant. You won't even notice it unless you wait/sleep/fast travel.


Also take note that in oblivion, you could heal out of combat instantly at any time by waiting.

I bet you waiting will do the same thing in Skyrim...
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I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just to reiterate. I do kinda hate it, but not from a gameplay stand point. It's just a trend with all games, just kinda irritates me that they follow the pack despite being so innovative.
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I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just to reiterate. I do kinda hate it, but not from a gameplay stand point. It's just a trend with all games, just kinda irritates me that they follow the pack despite being so innovative.


I would totally agree if this were an FPS, or if the health regen were going to be significant. That "hide behind cover until the bullet holes disappear" trend has certainly become standard, and it removes much of the game's challenge if implemented too liberally. I see it as less of an issue for Skyrim because of the flavor of combat (read: medieval, often melee). Although certainly an annoying trend with shooters, in the end it opens up the game for players who don't want to spend time leveling Restoration/using potions/ exploiting wait to stay alive. I just hope that it is indeed as subtle as we've heard.

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I would totally agree if this were an FPS, or if the health regen were going to be significant. That "hide behind cover until the bullet holes disappear" trend has certainly become standard, and it removes much of the game's challenge if implemented too liberally. I see it as less of an issue for Skyrim because of the flavor of combat (read: medieval, often melee). Although certainly an annoying trend with shooters, in the end it opens up the game for players who don't want to spend time leveling Restoration/using potions/ exploiting wait to stay alive. I just hope that it is indeed as subtle as we've heard.

Don't get me wrong it could be used for great ways in exploits. Such as, if vamperism is in the game again, and if you can increase or level the regen it could be used to negate the sun damage. Cool idea from a simple aspect. As I said... It's the trend I don't like is all.
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I would totally agree if this were an FPS, or if the health regen were going to be significant. That "hide behind cover until the bullet holes disappear" trend has certainly become standard, and it removes much of the game's challenge if implemented too liberally. I see it as less of an issue for Skyrim because of the flavor of combat (read: medieval, often melee). Although certainly an annoying trend with shooters, in the end it opens up the game for players who don't want to spend time leveling Restoration/using potions/ exploiting wait to stay alive. I just hope that it is indeed as subtle as we've heard.

Don't get me wrong it could be used for great ways in exploits. Such as, if vamperism is in the game again, and if you can increase or level the regen it could be used to negate the sun damage. Cool idea from a simple aspect. As I said... It's the trend I don't like is all.


Agreed. I think it's safe to say we won't be seeing Black Ops: Tamriel anytime soon!

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As I said... It's the trend I don't like is all.


On "Following the Herd": I think having a good game is far more important than having an original game. Would you really wanna see a return to password systems instead of save files, for example, just because nobody else is trying it? The question here is whether it'll make Skyrim a better game, not whether it's been done before or not.

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On "Following the Herd": I think having a good game is far more important than having an original game. Would you really wanna see a return to password systems instead of save files, for example, just because nobody else is trying it? The question here is whether it'll make Skyrim a better game, not whether it's been done before or not.

It's not the same as better technology. If they could have used save files back then they would have. Like Metroid, they didn't have the technology ready before it's release.


I'm letting this die, as it's not productive. Anyway for anyone who contributed to the information so far thanks. I really appreciate it! It's nice to see people interested in what will be a great game for years to come.

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You guys have to realize health regen was already in Oblivion pretty much.


As I said before, if your out of combat you can wait for a hour and be fully healed. A bit of health regen like in fallout new vegas with the implant will be better then a instant heal on wait.

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