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Still I wonder how the kill NPC sleep in their bed thing works. Do you get the house? Is Trespassing no longer in Skyirm? You still trespass but sleeping in said bed will allow you to rest? Or there is still Trespassing but you can wait, sleep and everything now while trespassing? We don't know but it would be nice to know. Killing NPC's in Morrowind you technically did not get the house. As Crates and stuff was still the dead owners. Because when you put non-stolen items in and take them out they become stolen. I had my Trueflame taken away like that. And also a economy where you could buy said persons house would be nice, but at the same time stupid. I couldn't imagine how many would go around killing just for the sake of getting a house. (Murder suspection might be there as well.)
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I hope this isn't the only quakecon HD demo! :facepalm: :wallbash:




Did anybody else notice Todd's eyes at 00:47? He was checking out that interviewers rack. Just thought I'd point that out. Anyways, any news yet on the alchemy system? Im excited to see what kind of instruments we are able to use as characters to make potions etcetera, wether its the same old mortar/pestle or wether we get a much more realistic style of Alchemy, such as chopping and drying herbs, planting our own herbs and ingredients and physical animations showing the making of the potion.

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In Oblivion, some beds were owned by NPCs. Even if you aren't trespassing, you'll get the message of "you can't sleep in an owned bed." Maybe what they mean is upon a character's death, their bed becomes unowned property that anyone can sleep in.
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Well, saw some posts back there, and I gotta ask, although I'm very stupid:


What's the difference between Steam and Normal versions?

I've always heard people say that steam is bad, steam isn't good to buy, or something like that. But if someone can explain the difference, would be much appreciated.

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Well, saw some posts back there, and I gotta ask, although I'm very stupid:


What's the difference between Steam and Normal versions?

I've always heard people say that steam is bad, steam isn't good to buy, or something like that. But if someone can explain the difference, would be much appreciated.


A normal version would be one you could just install from disk and play, registering it with a code on the disc package.


A Steam version requires that you download the Steam program and use it to register the game. I'm not sure whether the game will have to be launched through Steam or not, but it appears to be so.


Many people dislike Steam versions because it forces them to download and use the program; I don't have an issue with it because I already use Steam for other games.

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Well, saw some posts back there, and I gotta ask, although I'm very stupid:


What's the difference between Steam and Normal versions?

I've always heard people say that steam is bad, steam isn't good to buy, or something like that. But if someone can explain the difference, would be much appreciated.


A normal version would be one you could just install from disk and play, registering it with a code on the disc package.


A Steam version requires that you download the Steam program and use it to register the game. I'm not sure whether the game will have to be launched through Steam or not, but it appears to be so.


Many people dislike Steam versions because it forces them to download and use the program; I don't have an issue with it because I already use Steam for other games.


Got it. Thanks. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

At any rate, I think I recall playing a steam version game some time. But well, I did not know what that was, so...

Heck, I'll just buy the game and be happy. (y)

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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...
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I dunno if anyones mentioned this before, but in the dark elf thief picture hes reverse gripped the daggers? does anybody know anything about that?


oh and i think this is a new picture




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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

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