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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

What if you're young and live with someone and can't afford to get it yourself. But you can afford to get the game.
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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

What if you're young and live with someone and can't afford to get it yourself. But you can afford to get the game.


Um..."young and live with someone?" You mean a kid? If a person can afford to get the game, they can afford to pay for internet. If not, their priorities are skewed.


Anyway, my point wasn't to challenge you to come up with a hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that there's a small percentage of the population that might not have internet, and if that's the case they probably don't have a computer, either. So, the whole Steam thing is a moot point for them. I'm sure there are a few PC owners out there without an internet connection, but you're obviously not one of them. Why does it bother you so much?

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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

What if you're young and live with someone and can't afford to get it yourself. But you can afford to get the game.


Um..."young and live with someone?" You mean a kid? If a person can afford to get the game, they can afford to pay for internet. If not, their priorities are skewed.


Anyway, my point wasn't to challenge you to come up with a hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that there's a small percentage of the population that might not have internet, and if that's the case they probably don't have a computer, either. So, the whole Steam thing is a moot point for them. I'm sure there are a few PC owners out there without an internet connection, but you're obviously not one of them. Why does it bother you so much?

I didn't think of the logic of it. I'm just saying it's possible. What if it's birthday and xmas money to pay for the game? lol Edited by SHIROryuu
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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

What if you're young and live with someone and can't afford to get it yourself. But you can afford to get the game.


Um..."young and live with someone?" You mean a kid? If a person can afford to get the game, they can afford to pay for internet. If not, their priorities are skewed.


Anyway, my point wasn't to challenge you to come up with a hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that there's a small percentage of the population that might not have internet, and if that's the case they probably don't have a computer, either. So, the whole Steam thing is a moot point for them. I'm sure there are a few PC owners out there without an internet connection, but you're obviously not one of them. Why does it bother you so much?

I didn't think of the logic of it. I'm just saying it's possible. What if it's birthday and xmas money to pay for the game? lol


lol, awesome. Also, this!

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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.


Depends on what countryt you live in. I have a few friends who are only able to access internet from internet cafes (why do you think such places still exist otherwise)? And the whole internet requirement to play a single player game aside, what puts me off isn't that (I do have internet, I even bought Assassins creed 2 despite it requiring a constant internet connection. What does put me off is being forced to install steam, with all its issues trhat has already been mentioned in its own thread here in the skyrim section.

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I hate the idea of steam. What if you don't have internet? Doesn't mean you'll not want to own the game based on a commercial right? You'll be forced to buy it for console instead. It's like Apple and itunes. Can't use an ipod without an internet connection...


Are there that many people in the world who don't have an internet connection these days? Seems like an unlikely scenario.

What if you're young and live with someone and can't afford to get it yourself. But you can afford to get the game.


Um..."young and live with someone?" You mean a kid? If a person can afford to get the game, they can afford to pay for internet. If not, their priorities are skewed.


Anyway, my point wasn't to challenge you to come up with a hypothetical scenario. I'm saying that there's a small percentage of the population that might not have internet, and if that's the case they probably don't have a computer, either. So, the whole Steam thing is a moot point for them. I'm sure there are a few PC owners out there without an internet connection, but you're obviously not one of them. Why does it bother you so much?

I didn't think of the logic of it. I'm just saying it's possible. What if it's birthday and xmas money to pay for the game? lol


lol, awesome. Also, this!


I was actually playing old games on my laptop during my recent vacation. No, you don't usually play games on a plane, beach, train or whatever. You usually play it where you live at the moment. Problem is, not all DO have internet where they live.


And since that comic mentions diablo 3, I could also mention that any modding won't be possible for it because of their decision. Great: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/08/01/diablo-3-mods-expressly-prohibited-by-blizzard/


Srry for getting off topic...

Edited by amycus
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Whoa, whoa, whoa! Deep breaths, dude. The comic was an attempt to keep things light; you weren't supposed to take that as a supplemental argument. Mostly, the, "Whatever, I'm buying it. It looks effing awesome." gave me a giggle!


As for the rest of your posts, I know that internet cafes exist. No need to patronize me. People go there with laptops, sure; but how many of those people go there with laptops just to game? Any PC gamer I've ever known has had an internet connection; perhaps it's different elsewhere, but I can only base this on my own experience.


You certainly have a valid point with the idea that not everyone has access to a connection where they live, though. These people are most likely console owners because of this, so the Steam thing would again be moot for them. I can't imagine building or buying a gaming PC to run something like Skyrim if I knew I wasn't going to have internet at home.


The only argument I've heard for "all [steam's] issues" in its thread is that people don't like it. That sucks if it prevents modding for Diablo 3, but this is not a Diablo 3 forum. Skyrim is being built around the idea of modding (Creation Kit), so I have a hard time believing that the devs will let Steam get in its way.


Anyway, I've used Steam for about a year and have encountered zero issues with it; so I'm a bit biased. I totally understand that some people don't want to have to download and use another program on top of the multiple-GB game they just installed, especially if they don't like said program. Unfortunately, the choice is that or the console version.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! Deep breaths, dude. The comic was an attempt to keep things light; you weren't supposed to take that as a supplemental argument. Mostly, the, "Whatever, I'm buying it. It looks effing awesome." gave me a giggle!


As for the rest of your posts, I know that internet cafes exist. No need to patronize me. People go there with laptops, sure; but how many of those people go there with laptops just to game? Any PC gamer I've ever known has had an internet connection; perhaps it's different elsewhere, but I can only base this on my own experience.


You certainly have a valid point with the idea that not everyone has access to a connection where they live, though. These people are most likely console owners because of this, so the Steam thing would again be moot for them. I can't imagine building or buying a gaming PC to run something like Skyrim if I knew I wasn't going to have internet at home.


The only argument I've heard for "all [steam's] issues" in its thread is that people don't like it. That sucks if it prevents modding for Diablo 3, but this is not a Diablo 3 forum. Skyrim is being built around the idea of modding (Creation Kit), so I have a hard time believing that the devs will let Steam get in its way.


Anyway, I've used Steam for about a year and have encountered zero issues with it; so I'm a bit biased. I totally understand that some people don't want to have to download and use another program on top of the multiple-GB game they just installed, especially if they don't like said program. Unfortunately, the choice is that or the console version.


Sorry if I went a bit too hard on it. As for the reason why people hate steam, I can't speak for all of us, but there are problems for at least some users to play a game with steam at all, and I think I've already said it, but steams consument support is close to non-existant. And no, the choice isn't between getting it or the consolde version, it is between getting it at all or just not buying it if they don't change their mind. I have never played new Vegas because of their steam requirement. Which is too bad, because I would have liked to play it sometime otherwise. I won't buy diablo 3 either. As for skyrim, I'm a bit undecided. I will probably wait a month or two before deciding if it's worth the hassle when the player reviews come out.

Edited by amycus
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I have never played new Vegas because of their steam requirement. Which is too bad, because I would have liked to play it sometime otherwise. I won't buy diablo 3 either. As for skyrim, I'm a bit undecided. I will probably wait a month or two before deciding if it's worth the hassle when the player reviews come out.

Okay, right here, right now...why do you hate Steam SO much that you allow it to prevent you from playing the fantastic Fallout: New Vegas and upcoming Diablo III and especially Skyrim possibly? Principle? Pride? Irrational concerns?

It's super easy to use! You just install Steam, make an account, log in...it runs in the background. You install the games you have purchased. You can go onto offline mode and never touch the internet with it. You can keep in online. No problems. Is there something that makes your concerns bigger than this? It's Skyrim man, it's just absurd to allow a quality third-party launch application keep you from it, or ANY game for that matter.

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Sorry if I went a bit too hard on it. As for the reason why people hate steam, I can't speak for all of us, but there are problems for at least some users to play a game with steam at all, and I think I've already said it, but steams consument support is close to non-existant. And no, the choice isn't between getting it or the consolde version, it is between getting it at all or just not buying it if they don't change their mind. I have never played new Vegas because of their steam requirement. Which is too bad, because I would have liked to play it sometime otherwise. I won't buy diablo 3 either. As for skyrim, I'm a bit undecided. I will probably wait a month or two before deciding if it's worth the hassle when the player reviews come out.


No worries! Sorry if I got a bit defensive.


I find it unfortunate that hatred for Steam prevents people from supporting awesome games, but I can't do much of anything about it. I still wonder: why is it such a deal-breaker? I'm sure there are users that have had issues with it, and you seem to be among them. However, what exactly are these issues with Steam that make it not worth buying a game over? If I wanted a game, but I didn't want to deal with the PC hassle, I would get the console version.

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