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Also another thing this one one gets on my nerves. People are spamming the bethblog twitter (Along with Pete's and the other bethsoft stuff.) because of the Minecraft thing. Many are saying accept the Quakecon match I won't buy Skyrim until you do are you chicken and other stuff like that. It is beyond annoying. I go there for info, not spamming and stupidity for not minding your own business and other stuff. Sure we can wonder but we have no right to tell Bethsoft what to do. They are trying to tell them with threats ie I want Skyrim until you do (Though not much of a threat it still is.) We can give suggestions but should do so in constructive criticism. In reality it is not our business about that lawsuit. It should of never been announced. Oh well.

That's why "nerds" aren't very socially accepted. Some people can't seem to get the stick out of their rectum sadly. The "internet" generation is very hostile in general. Like a small town of hicks gone out of control lol. (Not to offend anyone, I'm generalizing and joking of course.)


Don't worry its cool. By the way I had a typo, I meant a Quake III match not a Quakecon match, lol.

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Lol elderscrolls.com is back up along with everything else but it has **TOUT** on the images and other stuff is still not working. Obviously they are still working on that at least.

Maybe a typo and it's suppose to say trout? lol
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Has this been showed already?


First time I have seen it... And I must say that those clouds behind the orc looks amazing @_@


Glad I'm not the only one ogling the backgrounds as much as, if not more than, the characters!

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Has this been showed already?


First time I have seen it... And I must say that those clouds behind the orc looks amazing @_@


Glad I'm not the only one ogling the backgrounds as much as, if not more than, the characters!

I'm glad the rocks don't look so foreign now.
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I have to admit... I don't think I CAN pass up on this game despite the steam issue. Delay my purchase for a month, yes, but not skipping it completely. The fact that I still regularly visit this thread should be enough proof of that (and I hate myself for it :wallbash: ) No one is gonna hate me for changing my mind right? :P


On topic though, has anyone actually seen a video of the world map in use? I'm starting to wonder how that one will look like with the clouds moving... and especially what the borders to the other regions of tamriels look like on there.

Edited by amycus
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I have to admit... I don't think I CAN pass up on this game despite the steam issue. Delay my purchase for a month, yes, but not skipping it completely. The fact that I still regularly visit this thread should be enough proof of that (and I hate myself for it :wallbash: )


On topic though, has anyone actually seen a video of the world map in use? I'm starting to wonder how that one will look like with the clouds moving... and especially what the borders to the other regions of tamriels look like on there.

SHHHHH! You didn't get this from me.... Nothing to see here move along. Edited by SHIROryuu
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I have to admit... I don't think I CAN pass up on this game despite the steam issue. Delay my purchase for a month, yes, but not skipping it completely. The fact that I still regularly visit this thread should be enough proof of that (and I hate myself for it :wallbash: )


On topic though, has anyone actually seen a video of the world map in use? I'm starting to wonder how that one will look like with the clouds moving... and especially what the borders to the other regions of tamriels look like on there.

SHHHHH! You didn't get this from me.... Nothing to see here move along.


amycus, you're more than welcome to change your mind; it makes me happy that you're that committed to the awesomeness of Skyrim that you'll suffer through Steam to play it!


From my vast experience studying the, er...nothing...in question, I noticed that the clouds do indeed roll across the map as you view it. They don't seem particularly obstructive, since geography and landmarks are easily visible through them. Can't see any bordering provinces, though. Now I'm wondering how they'll handle that, too! Probably cop out and just wreath every border with swirly clouds.


EDIT: Insert joke about post count here.

Edited by Lowk
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