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I think you are talking about the seams in textures? I think I said it before, but "holes" doesn't have anything to do with the textures, but may show up if you don't have an extra layer of polygons. Say that you make a simple wall in 3d that only consist of a single polygon. You can the texture it and export it to a game, but the wall will still look completely invisible if you look on the "backside" of the wall, since the backside of the polygons aren't rendered. You will need to make 4 polygons, even if you just want it to be paper-thin to avoid any weird issues.

You only texture the visible side. As you said the other side is transparent. With armors or body parts the insides aren't textured. So if you don't overlap you will see the transparent side, it will appear as a "hole" in the mesh. It can happen with seams that aren't properly lined up as well. Edited by SHIROryuu
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I think you are talking about the seams in textures? I think I said it before, but "holes" doesn't have anything to do with the textures, but may show up if you don't have an extra layer of polygons. Say that you make a simple wall in 3d that only consist of a single polygon. You can the texture it and export it to a game, but the wall will still look completely invisible if you look on the "backside" of the wall, since the backside of the polygons aren't rendered. You will need to make 4 polygons, even if you just want it to be paper-thin to avoid any weird issues.

You only texture the visible side. As you said the other side is transparent. With armors or body parts the insides aren't textured. So if you don't overlap you will see the transparent side, it will appear as a "hole" in the mesh. It can happen with seams that aren't properly lined up as well.


hm, I think I misunderstood your earlier comment. I just woke up so it's probably because of my english (not a native speaker in case anyone managed to miss that :P). Will have to take a look at it later, hopefully I didn't cause too much trouble if I said something dumb...


And yes, I do check out this thread the first thing I do in the morning... though I might need to learn not to COMMENT as soon as I wake up... :hurr:

Edited by amycus
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Lols.. ok.. if its made as one piece from the start they wouldn't merge them together :P duh .. its a single UV maps and solid topology so its also faster to render .. this makes it easier to make too

It's best to describe something in the simplest way. I'm no expert but I do realize that using correct terminology will only confuse people. Resulting in more questions... It's unfair to expect people to "know" what you mean when you say texture mapping (an example). Someone who doesn't understand is never going to understand. We're all taught the same way as children. Why is it when we gain knowledge we hold it over people's heads and treat them like their stupid?


Anyway back on topic. It seems with each piece of info, it's a double edged sword. For every piece of good info there is something bad lol.

Edited by SHIROryuu
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Lols.. ok.. if its made as one piece from the start they wouldn't merge them together :P duh .. its a single UV maps and solid topology so its also faster to render .. this makes it easier to make too

It's best to describe something in the simplest way. I'm no expert but I do realize that using correct terminology will only confuse people. Resulting in more questions... It's unfair to expect people to "know" what you mean when you say texture mapping (an example). Someone who doesn't understand is never going to understand. We're all taught the same way as children. Why is it when we gain knowledge we hold it over people's heads and treat them like their stupid?


Anyway back on topic. It seems with each piece of info, it's a double edged sword. For every piece of good info there is something bad lol.



Its also very annoying when most game players will gladly give there "expert" advice on what graphics are better or how something works and just bluntly misinform people about things they know they don't have a clue about.. marharth just came off like they knew the argument of the single piece armor being easier was complete bull .. I just run into this stuff on the net all the time and it wears me down when I want to explain something or stand up for a game or reasoning behind the game's graphics and I'm dealing with people who don't know crap .. So yes .. I use technical terms like vert,UVmaps,DiffuesMaps,SpecularMaps,CubeReflections .. so at least the people reading will understand that I'm not talking out of my ass and I do know what I'm saying.

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Its also very annoying when most game players will gladly give there "expert" advice on what graphics are better or how something works and just bluntly misinform people about things they know they don't have a clue about.. marharth just came off like they knew the argument of the single piece armor being easier was complete bull .. I just run into this stuff on the net all the time and it wears me down when I want to explain something or stand up for a game or reasoning behind the game's graphics and I'm dealing with people who don't know crap .. So yes .. I use technical terms like vert,UVmaps,DiffuesMaps,SpecularMaps,CubeReflections .. so at least the people reading will understand that I'm not talking out of my ass and I do know what I'm saying.

Isn't it good to inform the misinformed? I understand the frustration. It's common with this generation. I remember writing a tutorial(basically a simplified and translated from the original person), it was as simple as I could make it. All the tools you needed, all the instructions, word for word! Still I would get people messaging me, saying they didn't understand what to do... In the end I took it down lol.


I feel your pain trust me, and if anything I would like to look to you when I want more information, as you seem very well informed.

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See .. I agree and understand .. I give tutorials on zbrush all the time to friends and really dont mind helping them understand whats going on with a mesh and render and what is causing one mesh to look better than another .. but in a forum situation like this with someone who clearly doesnt understand the process I cant possibly explain what a face is and why its disconnected and there are holes in the body without typing out a massive beginners tutorial... idk .. maybe I'm snotty in my comments sometime <_< sorry .. least I'm trying :)
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Its also very annoying when most game players will gladly give there "expert" advice on what graphics are better or how something works and just bluntly misinform people about things they know they don't have a clue about.. marharth just came off like they knew the argument of the single piece armor being easier was complete bull .. I just run into this stuff on the net all the time and it wears me down when I want to explain something or stand up for a game or reasoning behind the game's graphics and I'm dealing with people who don't know crap .. So yes .. I use technical terms like vert,UVmaps,DiffuesMaps,SpecularMaps,CubeReflections .. so at least the people reading will understand that I'm not talking out of my ass and I do know what I'm saying.

Isn't it good to inform the misinformed? I understand the frustration. It's common with this generation. I remember writing a tutorial(basically a simplified and translated from the original person), it was as simple as I could make it. All the tools you needed, all the instructions, word for word! Still I would get people messaging me, saying they didn't understand what to do... In the end I took it down lol.


I feel your pain trust me, and if anything I would like to look to you when I want more information, as you seem very well informed.


Aww, you shouldn't remove any tutorials, the more the better. If people keep asking questions one might want to post it anonymously, so those that DO have some basic understanding still can use it.


When skyrim comes out I might give it a try to mod for that too and not just dragon age


And yay, I know 4/5 words on that list :D

Edited by amycus
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Aww, you shouldn't remove any tutorials, the more the better. If people keep asking questions one might want to post it anonymously, so those that DO have some basic understanding still can use it.


When skyrim comes out I might give it a try to mod for that too and not just dragon age


And yay, I know 4/5 words on that list :D

When close to 65,000 people are asking. Yeah you get tired lol.
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It seems like item durability is also out of the game; nothing of it is shown in the menus during demos, and repairing weapons/armor hasn't been mentioned as part of the Blackmithing skill. I welcome this change. Other thoughts?

Serious? It was tedious, but I found it added a form of realism. I was hoping you'd have to find ore to repair your gear this time...Or if something was 0% you'd have to forge a new blade. So many cool ideas that will end up mods now... *cries*


I would gladly ditch the realism with the tediousness; it was too much for me to always carry hammers around, going through the list of weapons/armor and keeping things at maximum quality just to maintain that extra armor point/attack point. AND don't get me started on the slow, crawling grind to 50 Armorer just so I can repair my own magical items. Gyah! Apparently that's a much bigger peeve of mine from Oblivion than I thought...


Anyway, I actually like the idea of a weapon needing reforging at 0%. Realism, without the feeling of it being a chore! Maybe just for mundane weapons, though.

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