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hi I'm sure I can run Skyrim but will Nvidia geforce GTX 260 be enough?


It depends on what the rest of your PC is but I think you should be ok with a 260 .. This thread has been going way off topic lately .. This is more about talking about new information and leaks .. check this.. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/388498-the-thread-of-computers-aka-will-my-computer-run-skyrim/

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The upcoming demo video is finished.

But now they are doing subtitles or voice overs in other languages.


So I guess we can expect it sometime later this week.


Forgot to comment on this when I first read it .. WHAT??? .. its thursday dammit ~_~ .. They won't post it on the weekend .. they never post on weekends .. it better be done tomorrow and it better not suck .. or I'll just .. uh.. um... sit here and pout :<

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Isn't ther a can my comp run this thread some were other than on this thread


You don't know how badly I've been wanting to say that.....lol , but yeah there totally is another thread on PC requirements and such, they probably don't care though. :wallbash:

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Demo news from Pete "I'm not giving a day/date/time for the demo because we didn't hit when I said we would. Soon. We're going as fast as we can." Makes me wonder if they are subbing what the audience says too. ie "Jump in the Water" and other things.
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Man seriously An Anime episode average of 24 Minutes only takes a 2 days or less to sub. But even going to over 5 other languages it takes a week at most. 2 Weeks even with VO is too long. They must be doing other things as well. As you know the people doing the subs for shows and anime are limited unlike Bethsoft. Maybe they have to contact the Bethsoft in Japan and the other regions for subbing, that might be another reason among other stuff.
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Man seriously An Anime episode average of 24 Minutes only takes a 2 days or less to sub. But even going to over 5 other languages it takes a week at most. 2 Weeks even with VO is too long. They must be doing other things as well. As you know the people doing the subs for shows and anime are limited unlike Bethsoft. Maybe they have to contact the Bethsoft in Japan and the other regions for subbing, that might be another reason among other stuff.


Ya that makes the most sense, they're probably working on so many different things while trying to release the video and yeah who knows how many languages they are doing voice overs for. They would need to contact people from all over to do different languages so who knows how long that would take. :wallbash:

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ya can't ... And about the demo .. Like I said before .. I think they are doing more than just the quakcon footage .. either that or they are extremely busy running around to all these conventions and they don't really care how fast they produce new things for the fan .. I mean .. seriously .. The only stuff we get is from people who play the demo and pete hine's twitter account .. thats pretty weird for a game this big :<

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