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Skyrim Information


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I think it's good they don't let off too much information cause you know you will suck it all up (whether u want 2 or not) and when the game finally arrives, u may have overestimated the feature they said it would have and bam! u end up saying this game is s*** im going back to play morrowind or oblivion, i made this stupid mistake with some games because the company let off too much info :(
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I think it's good they don't let off too much information cause you know you will suck it all up (whether u want 2 or not) and when the game finally arrives, u may have overestimated the feature they said it would have and bam! u end up saying this game is s*** im going back to play morrowind or oblivion, i made this stupid mistake with some games because the company let off too much info :(


I completely agree with what you are saying but in terms of the video they are trying to release it will most likely be the same run through of Riverwood with some extra combat, I don't believe they will give away too much info!

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its not that I want them to give spoilers .. I just wan't some decent HD footage of conversations and towns and some environments .. and as far as it ruining the game by setting my expectations to high? .. theres no way .. my expectations were threw the roof when the game was announced .. new info only helps calm me down and keep me from over hyping it in my head.
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its not that I want them to give spoilers .. I just wan't some decent HD footage of conversations and towns and some environments .. and as far as it ruining the game by setting my expectations to high? .. theres no way .. my expectations were threw the roof when the game was announced .. new info only helps calm me down and keep me from over hyping it in my head.

Good point! Knowing little bits here and there quells the imagination, and keeps it from getting carried away...


I want to fight dragons now, please. Big ones. With my bare hands. :verymad:

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its not that I want them to give spoilers .. I just wan't some decent HD footage of conversations and towns and some environments .. and as far as it ruining the game by setting my expectations to high? .. theres no way .. my expectations were threw the roof when the game was announced .. new info only helps calm me down and keep me from over hyping it in my head.


Exactly, they can make a vid without any spoilers, the only thing we want to see is more footage of the game as you mentioned.


I dont understand why pumping people with the same footage over and over...we are pretty much hyped 24/7 about it..unless things arent finished..though that would be strange since the release date is near.

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I just noticed this .. in responce to someone wondering what people ment by "demo" pete posted this "No. He's asking about the HD video of the demo we gave at E3, QC, GC, PAX, etc" .. So I Don't think the video will be from one of these but rather a new HQ video of the same runthrew with VO and such .. thats good new sorta .. its gonna be the same old demo but at least it wont be the exact same cam footage and at least now ites clear that the PAX footage was the same as quakecon
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This was posted 3 hours ago by Pete Hines on Twitter, I just noticed it while replying to a tweet!


DCDeacon Pete Hines

Just managed to kill a dragon Todd didn't think I'd be able to take out. Ha! I am mighty! I am Dovahkiin! I am going home now!


Wonder what kind of bad ass tough dragon it was.......or maybe they skipped him all the way to Alduin ;) haha!

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