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Until consoles are upgradable they will always be behind PCs. Not the buy a slimmer, slightly different coloured version of console. The N64 is the only console I've seen do this plug and play hardware with it's expansion card (I may be wrong). When consoles can adapt to changing technology, I will adapt to them.
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Until consoles are upgradable they will always be behind PCs. Not the buy a slimmer, slightly different coloured version of console. The N64 is the only console I've seen do this plug and play hardware with it's expansion card (I may be wrong). When consoles can adapt to changing technology, I will adapt to them.


You mean that graphics slot or whatever? Yeah that was brilliant. Now N64's are worth $10 or less when they were worth over $100 back in the day. I remember when my granny said she didn't want to buy the enhanced version of Majora's mask in the day because it was $10 more. You know what they say. Time flies like Arrows Fruit Flies like Bananas.

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No matter how good PCs are, they aren't accessible. Not many people will spend 2000 dollars on a PC, where they could turn around and buy a current gen console, large 1080p tv, copy of skyrim. Not saying everyone has a 2000 dollar PC, but to justify the increase in performance(Because let's face it, if you're not running highest resolution with at the highest settings, there isn't much point to claim how much better it is than a console.) you have to buy better then average parts. Which can mean a graphics card that is 2 times what a current console sells for. Once again, I'm not claiming anyone does this, or even has to. I'm just saying... If you're going to constantly brag about PC and how much better it is. It should be the most accessible, the most bang for you buck.


The economy isn't what it used to be, where you could spend money on a new rig(or parts) often.


Sorry about the rant. Just my opinion, as a console and PC gamer.


I got a $400 computer that ran better than the consoles back in the day. As for the console res they are both set at 720p I checked on their marketplace.


Yea .. Ive had this talk to many time on the net to start it up again .. but to put it simple .. PC are cheaper than consoles if you do the math

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Until consoles are upgradable they will always be behind PCs. Not the buy a slimmer, slightly different coloured version of console. The N64 is the only console I've seen do this plug and play hardware with it's expansion card (I may be wrong). When consoles can adapt to changing technology, I will adapt to them.


You mean that graphics slot or whatever? Yeah that was brilliant. Know N64's are worth $10 or less when they were worth over $100 back in the day. I remember when my granny said she didn't want to buy the enhanced version of Majora's mask in the day because it was $10 more. You know what they say. Time flies like Arrows Fruit Flies like Bananas.


I don't think it would be impossible or less-lucrative for console developers to make consoles like a CD rack if you like. For example with Xbox it starts at dx9, the next will be dx11 (would hope) so potentially there are 2 major GPUs they could sell or a 9.5, 10, 10.5 etc. But that could work for anything if designed for plug n play.

Nintendo has always been top of their game, first hand-held, first controler-less (in a sense) console. They may have slipped a bit with letting the other comps storm the market but they have shown that plug n play for consoles hardware can be done, without RRoD.


Like I said I may be wrong, theres a lot more to it that I will know without being a dev myself, but IMO it seems the way forward and the way to keep up with PC hardware.


EDIT: CD rack as in you would swap chips/hardware through various slots.

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I remember being so excited when I got Majora's Mask, until I found out it required the expansion pack. Then I got the pack and felt like a pro for having it, lol.


I'll probably always look into consoles simply because of the series that I grew up with being on them (Zelda, Metroid, and such).

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I remember being so excited when I got Majora's Mask, until I found out it required the expansion pack. Then I got the pack and felt like a pro for having it, lol.


I'll probably always look into consoles simply because of the series that I grew up with being on them (Zelda, Metroid, and such).


And all the pros left the tiny cover off so you could see the red slitted top of the exp card, yes I remember lol. (My N64 has a red bit!!!)

You've never felt real power until you play Mario 64 with that red dot bottom center of your vision.

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:D I remember Majora's Mask... It was kind of creepy and definently freaked out my brother. I miss old games...

Lol We lost the cover for ours. Does that count as being a pro?

Edited by K00L
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:D I remember Majora's Mask... It was kind of creepy and definently freaked out my brother. I miss old games...

Lol We lost the cover for ours. Does that count as being a pro?


Anyone who owned a '64' is a pro IMO. Even more pro that you admit 'losing the case' without shame :-).

Have never been able to completely understand dual analog stick cos of the dam 64 lol.

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