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the rain I saw was a screen overlay effect .. not inworld rain .. thats not a good thing to notice but it was from a shout .. it might be different from the nrmal rain . that said .. the snow was 100% "dynamic" it was an in world partical effect instead of something glued to the player's screen .. looked way better .. but thats just graphics junk .. if they match oblivion I would be happy .. they are doing something much better and I'm excited to see the shadows on the PC version ^_^
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dy·nam·ic (d-nmk)

adj. also dy·nam·i·cal (--kl)


a. Of or relating to energy or to objects in motion.

b. Of or relating to the study of dynamics.

2. Characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress: a dynamic market.

3. Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful. See Synonyms at active.

4. Of or relating to variation of intensity, as in musical sound.


...Huh? Oh wait, that makes sense now.

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I have no idea why there's no dynamic rain if there's dynamic snow, but that's what they said.They didn't specifically say there wasn't any dynamic rain, but whenever they walked about how "dynamic" their weather system was, they would only talk about snow, how it would fall on objects and accumulate realistically....dynamic. Edited by Corakus
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I have no idea why there's no dynamic rain if there's dynamic snow, but that's what they said.They didn't specifically say there wasn't any dynamic rain, but whenever they walked about how "dynamic" their weather system was, they would only talk about snow, how it would fall on objects and accumulate realistically....dynamic.

It may be because snow is the most noticeable though. When rain accumulate on objects, it doesn't really make much of an effect, other than a splash and then it's wet - So, maybe they just didn't talk about it because it wasn't as significant as snow. Here's hoping at least. ;)

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Flooding the whole world, gathering two of each creature onto your ark! ;D (2 dragons? :unsure: )


until the two dragons ate all of the other animals, then you would have a reign of fire thing going on after the water lowerd.

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