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and yes, according to my manual, holding right button blocks... don't know how it will work exactly for dualwielded weapons though... guess we'll see :P


I think you cannot block while dualwielding weapons because holding a button would result in a power attack. But that isn't wrote in the dutch manual.

Edited by ufw7
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So let me see if I'm understanding this right. If you have a sword in your right hand and a shield in your left left click will attack and right click will block? But if you have a spell instead of a shield right will attack and left will fire the spell? That doesn't seem right.....
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/ is skills menu =)

shift is sprint (doesn't specify which shift)

and yes, according to my manual, holding right button blocks... don't know how it will work exactly for dualwielded weapons though... guess we'll see :P


Best would be to block with right button, attack with left and if dual wielding then right is right hand and left is left hand. I really hope it works like that I don't want to get used to attack with right button since I'll be using shield + one handed or two handed.


So let me see if I'm understanding this right. If you have a sword in your right hand and a shield in your left left click will attack and right click will block? But if you have a spell instead of a shield right will attack and left will fire the spell? That doesn't seem right.....


Actually I'd like it if it worked like that. If you're dual wielding anything then left button should be left hand and right button should be right hand. There nothing more confusing than attacking left weapon with right button.


I found this on another game actually. Black Ops. you can have two weapons in two hands and normally you shoot with left click. But when you hold two weapons with two hands left button shoots right weapon. That's VERY confusing. Trust me. And in that game I just shot both at once so it didn't really matter which was which. But in Skyrim where different swords will have different effects you want to swing the soul trap sword first (if possible) and then attack with fire damage sword (or whatever).

Edited by babis8142
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in black ops it did make sense... if you hold one weapon, it's in your right hand, fire with lmb... if you hold two, that weapon is still in your right hand... hence... :P

but still, you should be able to block with two weapons...


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Why not just install it on both? Theres nothing stopping you from having it on both machines.


Well, the thing is that I bought my PC some 3 years ago, so it's very outdated. It runs only the small-to-medium games, like morrowind, oblivion( on some low settings sadly ) and general GTA games. :P

I've been itching to upgrade it a long time ago, but I kinda feel more confident on my notebook right now.


You should upgrade your PC anyway...I know I did this year because after 4 years it was beginning to fail on me, so I had no choice. You would really only need to upgrade the GFX card and if it's really weak, the CPU. My new computer, which is pretty powerful ran me under $1000 because I built it myself, and it was well worth the investment. Either way, you should be able to run it on the laptop, though you probably won't be able to get max settings and when the inevitible new texture packs come out, you probably won't be able to use them because it might be too much for the graphics card to handle. You might get medium settings on the laptop, at best. at worst, you'll have to turn some things off, and others down. I almost always turn shadows off, player only, or low in my games because those are the most intensive for me. Any higher then medium though and I think it would start to run a little hot.

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Why not just install it on both? Theres nothing stopping you from having it on both machines.


Well, the thing is that I bought my PC some 3 years ago, so it's very outdated. It runs only the small-to-medium games, like morrowind, oblivion( on some low settings sadly ) and general GTA games. :P

I've been itching to upgrade it a long time ago, but I kinda feel more confident on my notebook right now.


You should upgrade your PC anyway...I know I did this year because after 4 years it was beginning to fail on me, so I had no choice. You would really only need to upgrade the GFX card and if it's really weak, the CPU. My new computer, which is pretty powerful ran me under $1000 because I built it myself, and it was well worth the investment. Either way, you should be able to run it on the laptop, though you probably won't be able to get max settings and when the inevitible new texture packs come out, you probably won't be able to use them because it might be too much for the graphics card to handle. You might get medium settings on the laptop, at best. at worst, you'll have to turn some things off, and others down. I almost always turn shadows off, player only, or low in my games because those are the most intensive for me. Any higher then medium though and I think it would start to run a little hot.


Yeah, I am eager to buy a new CPU really, because upgrading part by part to me is too expensive. At least with the one I have now, it won't last. Better off to have a new one that supports most games than have separate parts upgraded and still run slow.

Well, probably I'll have to get some settings low, but as long as it runs on medium, it will pe perfect. I just want to taste the gameplay, so that after a while, I'll get full graphics! :biggrin: Thanks anyway (y)

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in black ops it did make sense... if you hold one weapon, it's in your right hand, fire with lmb... if you hold two, that weapon is still in your right hand... hence... :P

but still, you should be able to block with two weapons...


You cannot block while dual-wielding.



Right: Block

Left: Attack


Shield+One-handed (Uncertain, but most likely, because of how dual wielding works according to Pete Hines' explanations...):

Right: Attack

Left: Block



Right: Block

Left: Attack



Right: Attack

Left: Attack

Edited by Zaldiir
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ok so i just got off the phone from gamestop. they told me to make sure to be there at 10 to get a slip of paper that will let me be able to wait in line at 12 to get skyrim. i'm not sure if other gamestops do it differently, but as of right now i'm under the impression they all work the same. So if your unsure about what to do tomorrow, call your gamestop and ask them if YOU need to get a slip 2 hours before midnight, in order to wait in line for the pre release at midnight. And i'm not sure about this part, but i think the women said only people that have pre ordered it already can get the slip. Dont quote me on it though. She said they haven't even got skyrim in the mail yet, they're suppose to get it tomorrow. =/ so even if i wanted to be a thief i would have to wait one more day.
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