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Can't download a thing from any server


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I don't know if something is wrong on my end but I don't think there is. There's likely a problem with the download servers. Every time I click on the download link, it tells me that the file is being transferred, but it never ever arrives. I've tried everything the troubleshoot text says. I've enabled Javascript, I've turned off my adblocking thing for TES Nexus, and I've tried to download the from the same link on Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome, but the file never arrives.


Is there a solution to this?


Also, I've tried the mirrors for the file I was trying to download, but neither of them work. All the servers available for a normal member have the same problem.

Edited by AutisticLucario
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I just checked all the servers, premium and normal....the only one showing a problem is the Denver premium server. I have sent a message to Dark0ne about that. But the other servers are functioning normally.


Is this a specific file causing the issue or any files over 2 mb in size?

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I just checked all the servers, premium and normal....the only one showing a problem is the Denver premium server. I have sent a message to Dark0ne about that. But the other servers are functioning normally.


Is this a specific file causing the issue or any files over 2 mb in size?


I couldn't download a file that was 2 KB, let alone anything over 2 MB. Every single file I've tried does this. From the minuscule files to the massive ones.

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Can you download from the other sites on the nexus ?


What error message are you getting or is it just timing out ?


Here is what I see every time I wait for a file to download:


Downloading file

Your file is being prepared for download ...


If you do not receive an error, and the page continues to load, please be patient. Your file is being transferred to this server for downloading.


Download not starting? Please enable javascript and HTTP redirects in your browser and insure you aren't running any plugins that might stop these from loading (Adblockers, NoScript, etc.).


Don't know what to do with ZIP, RAR or 7z files after you've downloaded them? Check out our article on file compression basics and what programs to use.


I've kept a couple of windows open to wait for them, but it's been an hour or two, since I opened them. They still haven't downloaded yet.

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Try logging out of the site, close your browser and then open it again and log in and try to download. This is almost certainly a browser configuration issue, or your firewall or security settings are blocking the download.
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