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Old texture doesn't seem to work with edited .nif


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I edited the old White Glove mask to make a half mask, but to my disappointment, the texture no longer works properly! How do I fix this? And...is my UV editor supposed to look like this? Seems a bit off to me. Edited by kungfubellydancer
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more detail pls.

edited? how.

what were you trying to do.

"doesn't work anymore" in what way?

what programs did you use, and what things have you already tried?

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It looks like a few of your faces got unmapped somehow!

If u accidentaly unwrapped it or something with a few faces next to the inside of the eyehole selected.

So the uvs that are spanning the whole texture is your problem ones.


The rest of the uv is fine, the parts that extend above and below the texture are ok also.

The game tiles the texture so All the stuff on the left sticking up and down is all just getting the left side of the texture.


Ok so the big blue square is your problem uvs basically.

The little mini mask shaped part, thats the inside of the mask.


I would start over on it actually.


Import it into blender.


Delet the faces from the nose down, and then open the uv window and select all the stuff so u can see it,

select the uvs for the little mask inside part and just move it down out of the way.

grab the bottom vertices of the outside of the mask uv and move them up. Hit g and then y to move em straight up.

keep moving the vertices up until they reach the brown part of the texture.

u see the texture stretching as u do this on the 3d view.

now, when no uv verts are left to move up go into the 3d view, and grab the bottom vertices. hit g and then z to move these up.

Just keep moving them up until the brown part is about the same width all allong the bottom of the mask.

U can grab the top of the mask and do the same so the brown part is the same width on the top and bottom.

Grab the mini mask uv for the inside of the mask and move it back onto the white part of the texture.

clean up by adding faces on the bottom of the mask where u had deleted the botom part, unwrap the uv for just those faces.

with just those faces selected scale in uv editor and position it on the brown part of the texture.


This will make u have a rather nice looking eyemask!




Oh yea tho be careful of double vertices. the vanila nifs always have lots of em. some are for separating the normal smoothing but others, dunno they just have em.

using b for box select and deselect is good idea.

Edited by baduk
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