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putting your own music into the game

Dubious Cat

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im not sure if this is in the right place, but it is modifying the game so...


would it be possible to put your own music into the game? i have seen a 'music' folder in the oblivion directory, and i thought it would be great to play along with some of my favourite songs.


if it is possible, then how would i do to put in my music? do i just copy and paste the files into the folder, or will i have to edit some script? im not very good at computers so i dont want to be trying to do anything major :wacko:

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ooo, i know this one, go into the oblivion/data/music. from there you have a choice of folders (best to copy these somewhere else just in case you want them later) go into one (e.g. battle) delete them all. separatly, open up your music folder and copy them into there. you can do that for all the folders, but in the special one, there is one called tes4title, what i did for that is to remove that and replace it with one of my own files, and rename it tes4title, the same as the one removed.



easy as that :D

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