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Visual error of mesh? Disappearing parts in GECK

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As you can see in the screenshot, the mesh (composed of both Vanilla and Type 3 pieces) seems okay, but when I carry it over to the GECK, I start seeing visual glitches both in the mesh preview window and the cell window. In the mesh preview, the boots and shorts fly around in the body mesh, and in the cell preview, the boots and bra and NOT the shorts are completely invisible. What's going on, and how can I fix this? I'm not receiving any error meshes in either nifskope or GECK.
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Good discription to notice the flying parts. Usually people dont say the pieces are flying but u can see em up there somewhere when u look for em.


Its just one shader flag shadow map. You can choose it on exporting clicking on the cloth shader presets button or chooseing manually.


With nifskope tho its in the nitristrips block under bsshaderpplightinproperty block details. Look for the list of shader flags. U can double click on the list and dropdown menu lets u select sf shadow map in there also.

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It is my understanding that many types of nifs must have this shader flag enabled to render properly. Some dont, like hairs are not having them, they have non projective shadow on em.


There is a material combination feature in nifs that may be changing your settings on some of your stuff so u dont notice that it was not set correctly to begin with.


The shader preset buttons are across the top on right column of nifscripts exporter in blender.


Oand, there are some shader flags that are not included in the nifscripts exporter and u gotta set those manually with nifskope after exporting em, but thats only for certain nifs, like hairs.

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Sigh...I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but I'm rather confused about this shader issue. I followed the instructions in the other thread to fix a dress mesh that had a faulty skeleton by re-parenting a new skeleton, the one I found under the \_male folder. This was done in blender. Then I loaded in it in nifskope; looked fine. But then I put in GECK, and I got the same visual error. This time, the entire mesh in the Mesh Data window was missing, except for a a single strange flying object, and in the Cell window, the npc was missing her entire body except the gloves and head (the gloves are a different mesh, not part of the faulty mesh). The skirt of the dress appeared floating over the NPC's head, and the texture was some warped grey texture not even related to the mesh's texture.


So, let's talk about the images below. Below are the export settings I used for this mesh. Also attached is the nifskope render, which appears fine, with the texture properly loaded where it's supposed to. Then there's the GECK images, which shows the visual errors. Is there something that doesn't look right in the export settings, and if so, how do I fix it?


(I'll attach all the images in separate posts, just bear with me here)

Edited by kungfubellydancer
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That skeleton u imported is the one u want to use for weight painting and animation.


All u really need for the armature is just the bone markers and u can get those from off any other outfit in the game.

U import it with the import nif with armature only and parent selected option.


The export settings u have is just fine except for one thing.

Look at the export settings and just get familiar with it. You will learn what they mean more and more when u keep using them.


Left hand column is the main options, middle column is the collision options, right hand column is the shader options.


On the right hand column shader options, look at the 3rd row from the top, middle button. Shadow map Just select this one before exporting and it will work in the game like u want it to.

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I changed the settings and the re-imported a skeleton from an existing mesh. I also pressed on the Shader Map button. Now this is the result.




I'm pretty sure I might have pressed some option somewhere without realizing it, because this problem only started happening yesterday. All other exports worked fine before, with the exception of faulty skeletons. I'm going to try to open the mesh up in nifskope and copy+paste it over onto an existing, functioning mesh, and see what happens.

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That didn't work either....http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj27/kungfubellydancer/asdaass.png?t=1294616960



I'm going to try one more thing. I'm going to take an existing mesh and import it into blender, then export it, and see if the glitch can be duplicated on that too.

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