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Big FP drop after playing for some time on new monitor - same detail s


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EDIT: Obviously meant FPS in the header.


When starting up Fallout 3 (no mods - only the official addon packs) the game runs just fine on my settings about 20-60 fps. But after maybe 15-30 minutes the game suddenly drops down to 5-25 fps.

This problem started as far as I am concerned only after I bought a new monitor.

I used to run it on a CRT at 1024x768, then with the new monitor I got a week ago on 1280x720... using Ati catalyst control driver on GPU scaling "maintain aspect ratio". When not using this, black borders turn up at the same resolution (even if the picture is scaled). The new monitor is 1920x1080 (but my computer isn't quite up for that resolution!).


Does this have to do with the GPU scaling in some way? Do I perhaps have too little ram on my graphics card? The GPU was only some 50 degrees celsisu when tabbing out of the game, and my CPU is on a very effective cooler.

Restarting the game and loading the same game fixes the FPS problem, but that is a very slow solution...


Still, I don't quite get it why changing monitor could do something like this.

Any solutions? Ideas? Thanks :)


My computer is a:

E5200 (dual core), 4 gigs ram, HD3850 256 mb.

Edited by Duvan
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I've got simillar problem, but more exactly it was like:

I play indoors, everything is always allright, if i play outdoors after some time, maybe 15 minuts traveling, game starts to choke and drop fps. When i restart game everything is back to normal.

But I've got this always since the begginig. And it turned out that if i turn off and set to low all of the water preferences in adv graphics settings, problem wasn't appearing.

I don't know if it work with your particular case, becouse i've got nvidia graphic card but maybe it's worth trying.

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I've got simillar problem, but more exactly it was like:

I play indoors, everything is always allright, if i play outdoors after some time, maybe 15 minuts traveling, game starts to choke and drop fps. When i restart game everything is back to normal.

But I've got this always since the begginig. And it turned out that if i turn off and set to low all of the water preferences in adv graphics settings, problem wasn't appearing.

I don't know if it work with your particular case, becouse i've got nvidia graphic card but maybe it's worth trying.


What if you go back indoors again after the lag started appearing?

I think my FPS are quite a lot lower indoors too if I do that... but playable (since my normal FPS indoors are usually at 60 something).


I'm reluctant to turn the water off... since this seems to be some kind of memory problem or something. And besides, it's also there when you are not seeing any water.

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Hi all :)

Did you try editing Fallout 3 .exe ???

Fallout 3 only uses 2 GB of ram, which is not enough when you change the setings to high or if you have mods.

You can edit the .exe to use more GB of ram, I have 6GB of ram + 240 mods, before I changed .exe file the game was lagging badly, but after I did It work smoth.

Editing your .exe to let the game use more ram is called ramboost

You can try this : http://www.fileplanet.com/214232/210000/fileinfo/Fallout-3---RAM-Boost-Mod

All the info is in the rar. file, how to do it, even there are screenshots.

It helped me, tell if it hepled you :)

Oh and !!! BACKUP YOUR .EXE FILE !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the help.

I'm afraid the fix did not change the lag thing though.

I'm pretty sure myself that it has to do more with GPU ram than with the normal memory (assuming it's a memory issue).

There was this console command that I found which apparently should clear some kind of scripts or whatever it was... but that did not work either.

going to the main menu and loading the save again doesn't work either... only restarting.

Edited by Duvan
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