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Help, How to realocate Skills mid-game


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I did a mistake with my SPECIAL and Skills and i dont want to start over,


is there a mod or a console command to reallocate my special and skills?


Also when you exit goodspring the first time you get a menu to reallocate some

traits and skills, is there a console command to see it again?


Many thanks


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dont think you can change it after you pass that early stage before you leave goodsprings



unless it can be done in the cheat menu


thats what im asking about, i found commands to change face, race, haircuts and add stats

but not reallocate (i dont want to cheap just adding points, i want to reallocate what i have)

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im a noob to modding "this" game so i could be wrong but from my history changing things like that, i would assume it would fubar your game since everything is triggered or based off of those settings



i too wish i could make some changes but then those decissions are a big part of the game and the results of the choices you make.

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I don't think there's a command to bring up the respec menu but you can use the player.forceav command to set skills to the level you specify; typing player.forceav medicine 50 will set your Medicine skill to 50 et.c. Edited by GenocideLolita
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I don't think there's a command to bring up the respec menu but you can use the player.forceav command to set skills to the level you specify; typing player.forceav medicine 50 will set your Medicine skill to 50 et.c.


hmm, so i can manually calculate how many point i have and redistribute them,thanks


and what about SPECIAL, Perks and Traits?

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u can do it whole through console commands but be rly carefull and prepared cause its glitched a bit i wasted around 5h for looking what where how when and im still not sure if i did it whole as it should be


problems what i found out if u do it this way adding/changes specials doesnt work properly f.e. u add int it dont rise skills which it should keep em as they was before, adding implant perk doesnt work with doctor, she will still offer u that implant to buy and so on. So if u want to change do it by small steps and always check if all was changed as it should




Set maximum carrying weight player.modav carryweight


that command u can pretty much use for everything


player.modav endurance 3 (adds 3 to endurance u can put there "-" so it lowers your atributes)

player.modav (skill name) number

player.setav [skill name] [1-100] (i was using this command like this: open pip boy, skills so u see your actual numbers, then console, command: player.setav sneak 10 skill changes from f.e. 70 to 30 so (30-10 u get base number what u have from stats etc and then just put there number how much u need till desired skill 55 to get skill to 75 and so on.. (this command always works with that base value + value u put)

modav with skill i think it messes up a bit so i think setav is better but im still noob here someone else can comment it



player.addperk (or removeperk) [perk code] codes u can find here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_perks



some other console commands here:

1. http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/falloutnewvegascheatscodes.html

2. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_console_commands

3. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gamebryo_console_commands

4. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gamebryo_console_commands_%28all%29


2and 3 shows some "chains and examples"


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player.forceav or player.setav should work for S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats too, just type the stat you want to change.

After some searching in the GECK I found a command called showtraitmenu that might work for changing traits, didn't find any way to reassign perks.


I haven't tested showtraitmenu myself, you might want to do a new save before messing around too much with traits.

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player.forceav or player.setav should work for S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats too, just type the stat you want to change.

After some searching in the GECK I found a command called showtraitmenu that might work for changing traits, didn't find any way to reassign perks.


I haven't tested showtraitmenu myself, you might want to do a new save before messing around too much with traits.


Thanks, can you check if there is a command to show the goodsprings menu, when you exit first time and offered to change your stats?

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