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Question Regarding Weapon Mods (GECK stuff)


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So I'm trying to make my own weapon mods, but I'm unsure as to how they work in the GECK. Specifically, I'm having trouble with the "Split Beam" mod and "Decrease Weight" mods.


I looked them up on the GECK wiki here, but I'm not so sure how reliable it is, considering it's still marked "incomplete" and hasn't been updated in over a year. My concerns were only compounded when I double-checked on various other forums and sites about this problem, and some of them give different answers.


Anyway, about the "Split Beam" mod: how does it work? If I were to, say, add one to the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle and put a "4" in the value slot, would it fire 4 beams, or 7 beams? Or would each beam be split into 4, making 12 beams? Also, how does damage work? Is it spread across each beam equally? Does it actually add +30% damage?


Also, is it true that the Decrease Weight mod only works if placed in the Mod 1 slot? I've looked at the WMX mod in the GECK and it seems to have weight reductions mods in other slots.


I'm sorry if these questions have obvious answers; I just want to have the most up-to-date answers as possible.

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