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Request For Help : Skin Issue


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Hello. I am having a problem with my character's skin..... Nevermind.....


I am deleting the issue at hand because no one here cares to help.....


I fixed it myself.... I uninstalled the game.



Edited by JenniA
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Gee Thanks for all the wonderful replies and helpfulness. It is so great to see others caring about issues and helping each other out.....


Disregard my message. I am done with this worthless game and community.

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Your reaction to not getting timely help is rather extreme, it's my first time reading it since it was only posted yesterday (a holiday where I live)... and you've already given up in an apparent tantrum? Then decided to insult the people you first asked for help? Most people would probably tell you where to go, some may even wish to draw you a map so you don't get lost along the way but that's about as mature as your comments in my opinion and serves no constructive purpose.


So, for what it is worth... and not knowing what your original question was, I can say that most 'skin' issues in Skyrim are related to either a texture or a body mod. If you have a discolouration problem it's textures, if you can't see war-paints it's textures. If you have a neck seam that's a body mod or skeleton issue., if you can't see eye brows or eyes are way out of place then it's likely a race mod thing. If the face skin is one colour and the body another it's textures most likely. Regardless, you should just need to re-install the mods that are most likely the ones affected to resolve those issues. Check the mod pages and read-me files for load order information and compatibility. Some may not work together or they may need to be applied in a certain order.


If your issue isn't in with the one's I've already listed feel free to post your original question and I'll try to help if you still want help.

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