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Daupdater works like a charm...


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I used Daupdater to install a mod, and the only thing happening was that it screwed my game over, had to reinstall it, greato ;D


Was going to install the to companion mod, but it never finished the install completely, afterwards the game just crashed, so nothing else to do then reinstall it, thats why I like when you just put stuff in the override folder, if you remove the stuff, the game is okay.

Edited by Elrandhir
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A mod that goes in the override folder and a mod packaged as a ".dazip" often work differently, and with different parts of the game. I personally have never had a problem with a ".dazip" (or DAUpdater, for that matter, although I only use it for the "official" DLC. For everything else I use DAO-Modmanager.) Currently running with 18 Bioware ".dazip" addins, and 16 Community ones.


Oh, and for some reason, DAUpdater never changes that progress bar message to indicate "Complete", even when it is... :huh: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

DAModder is another good program to use for all files that are not dazips or overrides. It just unpacks the folders into the relevant places and hey presto done.


You should give this a go too

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Personally, I prefer DAO-Modmanager (DAMM). It doesn't know what to do with ".zip" files, (which DAM does.) But while both can handle ".dazip", DAMM is the only one that can use ".override" files for mods that support on-the-fly configuration changes.
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