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Balrog playable race


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Edit: i honestly dont really care if npcs talk to you or not, i just want those pixels in the screen, badass balrog :P



so, i've looked everywhere, and there seems to be no mod of this, which strikes me as strange, seeing how there are mods for ringwraiths, uruk hais, and so on.


so my request is for an actual playable race, something like the screenshoot, taken from midas magic mod, in which i believe you can only cast a balrog.


- just a little taller than a high elf, or maybe two versions if you want to make one huge (not sure if that would work fine with actual gameplay)


- NPC will NOT talk to you, and either run away or attack.


- Ability to fly (it can be done, i've seen it in many mods, i know its probably hard, but its not impossible)


- Daedra sounds for him (or custom)


- Special spells and atributes for the race


- Fire effects (of course) but not too much, just in the back.


- Must be evil looking (face, check screenie)


-- One handed Sword, with fire, should be available, though similar swords can be used from other mods.


so, i realize this is hard, so i ask that only someone who knows they can do it takes it up, i personally will be very gratefull, and i am sure a lot of the guys in the community would love to see this. The idea is for this race to only be used to cause mayhem and have some fun, not to play the main quest with, it would be really awkard if a guard tells you, "good day citizen" while you look like a beast from hell, so the npcs not taking to you part is really important.


Thanks a lot for reading this, and if you think you have the skills to do it, please take this up, :)


Edited by tobolococo
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definetly doable, but I think making it wear armor is going to be a problem


lol who said he had to wear armor ? actually i was going to put "- make it impossible to wear anything but a sword" but i thought it might be too hard, and really i cant picture anyone trying to put a fur cuirass in this guy ;)

Edited by tobolococo
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Hmmm. Interesting idea. I tend to shy away from playable races that can't interact with other characters or make use of the items you come across. For me, those races kind of feel like just playing a regular FPS, and the newness wears off after a very short time. I did play LOTR Battle for Middle Earth where you could control the Balrog, and it was fine for just hacking through enemies, but that was about it. :teehee:
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Hmmm. Interesting idea. I tend to shy away from playable races that can't interact with other characters or make use of the items you come across. For me, those races kind of feel like just playing a regular FPS, and the newness wears off after a very short time. I did play LOTR Battle for Middle Earth where you could control the Balrog, and it was fine for just hacking through enemies, but that was about it. :teehee:

lol, the whole purpose of the game is interaction with npcs, i know, but this could be like a character for when you just wanna look badass and blow s*** up. because it would make no sense if npcs just talked to noticable beasts, but then again there are taking lizards, so who knows. ;)

Edited by tobolococo
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I'd rather have this as like.. a demonic metamorphis spell, if thats even possible :P Like, a spell that when you have the effect on, it'll hide your gear and change your character's look to the one of a balrog. (and boost your damage and maybe make stuf burn when you hit it)

And then maybe work it together with those disguise mods where you can have different crimegold levels in each type of disguise ( so that the law wouldnt harass you when youre not a balrog)


Because then, whenever you felt like it you could go on some kind of rampage

Edited by Beerto
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I'd rather have this as like.. a demonic metamorphis spell, if thats even possible :P Like, a spell that when you have the effect on, it'll hide your gear and change your character's look to the one of a balrog. (and boost your damage and maybe make stuf burn when you hit it)

And then maybe work it together with those disguise mods where you can have different crimegold levels in each type of disguise ( so that the law wouldnt harass you when youre not a balrog)


Because then, whenever you felt like it you could go on some kind of rampage


yeah, i agree, i think its better this way, though i dont know if this is more difficult.--

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