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Hilarius Glitches


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So................I'm in the NCR end game "You'll Know It When It Happens". I thoroughly prep for the mission by stocking up on lotsa extra ammo and nades, and give the ever unpredictable Cass :wub: firm instructions to NOT KILL ANYONE UNLESS I TELL YOU TOO!!! :mad: Not that that's likely to do much good. So anyway................Kimball shows up and gives his blah, blah, blah..................evil Legion sniper offs the NCR guard, and I snipe off the Legion dude, reporting same to Ranger Grant, "Sir!! In complete and utter disregard for my own personal safety......................" :blush:


Grant says he's going to cancel the speach and evacuate the Big Dog, and to remain alert for any other Legion scum; when I turn back around I immediately discover (screen shot below) I've once again committed a huge social faux pas, by not packing my swim trunks along with the extra ammo 'n nades because it's not only an "assassination" it's AN UNDERWEAR PARTY TOO! Story of my whole wasteland savior career...............I'm always the "overdressed" guy. :confused: Talk about a WTF??? moment. No idea what caused the loss of uniforms.........I definitely got a laugh out of it though.



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Wierdest thing in my game was having 3 Great Khans show up in my apartment in Novac. No reason at all. I went to sleep and when I woke up there they were staring at me making random comments. They never left for the remainder of the game. Who knows? This game has some really strange glitches.
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Not really a glitch, but it did startle the snot outta me when it happened, another great WTF??!! moment in FNV!


So........................after a hard afternoon of stalking and killing pesky Death Claws at Quarry Junction, fighting swirling dust and harsh working conditions [guess that's why the recruiter descibed it as "adventure employment :wink: " ], I zoom back over to Sloan to let Chomps know the scamps were all retired now, and the Quarry Men can go back to work makng seement for the NCR. After we're done "kickin' it", I remember the "A World of Pain" mod I'm running features a newly opened Quarry Junction Break Room. So I bop back over to QJ, after snagging up Arcade and ED-E, whom I'd put on hold at Sloan while I scagged Death Claws (as you know; sneaking and companions don't go well together). As we go blowing into the QJ Break Room, I'm not sure who's more startled :ohmy: . Us, or the Death Claw we caught trying to break into the Nuka Cola machine. I'm still not sure if he was just thirsty, or trying to scarf some caps too. I was inclined to give him a break over what, after all, is misdemenor criminal conduct....................but, the Quarry has a strict NO TOLERANCE policy on theft and vandalisation. So I tell him in my best "Joysy" accent, Sorry Bud, :( Nuttin' poysnal, it's just bisness!



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That's a good one; it would have freaked me out. Maybe they were thirsty; you should have seen Trudy and bought them a cold one. :laugh:


My weird experience today was fast traveling to Jean Sky Diving to skag Powder Gangers in the area. I materialise, the usual two PGs are down below me going after Bloat Flies...........I start to move up and I hear voices behind me to my left. I spin around and there are three Legion Assassins in front of JSD, only instead of the usual "You're an egg sucking enemy of Caesar, die profligate scum" smack they usually run; they're yelling something I don't understand. As I'm crouching they rush out to my front, and I see on my HUD and upscreen; there is a pack of geckos approaching fast from the hills. The geckos attack the Legionnairies, who continue to yell as they put a whipping on the geckos [unlike me.....apparently the geckos forgot to bring their assault rifles :biggrin: ]. So I stay crouched and watch them fight it out; figuring to mop up survivors. As the lat two geckos are going down I start putting short bursts into the Legionnairies. The funny thing is you'll note despite the fact the Assassins were sent to kill my profligate elbow, they're showing as blue (neutral to friendly) in my HUD and the geckos are showing as enemies. The Legionairries never changed out of blue to red, despite my putting two or three short bursts into them, and neither they or the geckos ever attacked me duirng tis FNV Weird Moment of the Day. BTW: How did the Legionnairies respond to my attack? they warped back out to whereever Legionnary Assassins come from. BTW2: I took this SS with the buil in FNV SS function, but I was completely ticked off at myself for not having Fraps running so I could have gotten a vid clip of it. :wallbash:



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