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OGE Is not working!?


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I recently tried OGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) and it doesn't work, its not the shaders, or the color thing, its the fact that it wont let me play the game using OBSE (the latest "stable" version), I've deactivated all my graphic enhancing mods I used before, and it still dosn't work, I even used the optional .dil and it didn't work! :wallbash:
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I recently tried OGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) and it doesn't work, its not the shaders, or the color thing, its the fact that it wont let me play the game using OBSE (the latest "stable" version), I've deactivated all my graphic enhancing mods I used before, and it still dosn't work, I even used the optional .dil and it didn't work! :wallbash:



I would like to note, I would uninstall the mod, just using the default launcher (no obse) but, sadly, I can't fund the oblivion graphic extender word file thing to do the required things to uninstall it D:

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"It doesn't work" tells us nothing. Try describing the problem and including your OBSE and OBGEv2 logs next time. There is also plenty of information in the OBGEv2 ReadMe included in the archive you downloaded.


Do you really think I would download a large mod such as this without reading the readme? Oh Yes I read it well over 100 times saying to my self "It's that easy!?" and I have no clue where the logs are sense they arn't where they are supposed to be. Now, how about you give me some help to fix my little problem. :happy:

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I do try to help people, but not smartasses who demand I help them. You still haven't described your problem. How do you expect anyone to offer any real advice? If your logs are not where they are supposed to be then you clearly have not properly installed the mod. Try reading the ReadMe for the 101st time, maybe you'll get it eventually. Edited by Smooth613
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