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Which Faction is Best?


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Ok, i'm noticing a lack of structure here. FROM NOW ON, you MUST address all of these points while making your ORIGINAL case for your chosen faction or i will just point you to this post. pob255, these are the factors required. We are going to assume that the player helped their faction of choice, however, only one of the 4 major endings has taken place.

1:Their ability to hold(for NCR, Legion, Mr. House, and Benny's planned faction), or take and then hold(for all minor factions because at the point we're going to be talking about they haven't really taken anything yet), the Mojave wasteland and all areas within. Be sure to include: Logistics, manpower, strategy, and firepower.

2:Their leadership. Show how it helps along their objectives. Include succession and the preservation of ideals.

3:Their social structure. Basically how their society works INCLUDING THE ECONOMY FOR LEGION AND NCR!!!!! (or will work after the events of the game take place because that is the time period we're in) MUST BE TRUE TO ALL KNOWN LORE ABOUT THIS FACTION!!!!!

4:Their stability. Things like political separation or disunity.

5:Overall viability as a faction.[This is to keep out people who think that the Enclave, the Super Mutants, the Omertas, etc. should be recognized as a faction.(the Omertas technically are but they have no viability as a ruling power.).].


Now, whichever faction has enough viability in all of these areas is the best. I know that this topic was vague, but now it's fixed. You may challenge anyone's post about this, provided you have the evidence to back it up. I WANT YOU TO CHALLENGE EACH OTHER!!!!! So far it seems that everyone has just been challenging the posts I make about the Legion. Challenge other people.


Now, I will make my Legion statement.


1:The Legion(since we're assuming that the player helped them), controls the wasteland. Having absorbed the Khans and Boomers and with the NCR and BoS destroyed, along with Mr. House and Benny dead, the Followers gone, and the Fiends executed, there remains nobody to oppose them. Due to their use of melee weapons, they can easily mass produce enough weapons to field their army. Already with the largest army around, they can easily occupy and hold enough key points to retain control of the wasteland. Their ambushing strategy easily destroys any armed force that enters their territory. They use the Boomers' B-52 and Howitzers to their advantage in key battles, and are unmatched in firepower.


2:Their leader, Caesar, one of the brightest people in all of Fallout, has made the Strip the New Rome, and now begins to secure his position. He gets rid of Lanius, (an obvious move since he is a brute only fit for war and the weakest link in the line of succession), and establishes a new Legate(probably Lucius). He already has a long line of hand-picked successors, but he will probably have a son if he doesn't have one already, and begin grooming him to be the next Caesar. Caesar's priestesses will preserve their ideals(from fallout wiki)



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I am going to move this to a new topic. It will be titled:"Which Faction is the Best?", and it will have more structure and clarity than this one. It should be up later today. See you all there!
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It will probably be up later this afternoon, sorry but i've got a very busy day.


There will be a new poll that only includes groups that are viable factions(sorry Follower supporters, but read the earlier posts to see why I don't think they are viable). Any posts supporting factions not in the poll will be disregarded, and any votes in the poll from users who haven't made a post will be disregarded as well.


I just want to have a structured debate that actually makes sense and I don't have to repeat myself 50 times.

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I can't make it now because i'm on a proxy(my school censors this site), and it keeps messing up wen i try to start a new topic.
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I just want to have a structured debate that actually makes sense and I don't have to repeat myself 50 times.

The debate makes sense, the problem is you are expecting it to come to a conclusion that it will not. As I have pointed out, the arguments you make for the Legions case are not as strong as you seem to think. Also, the fallout wiki does not support your case, rather the opposite. Talk to some legionaries and to Marcus at Jacobstown, you'll understand my point once you understand what that wise old mutant has to say.


Boomers' B-52


It's a B29. Never EVER EVER call int a B52. The B52 has eight jet engines, not 4 propeller engines, the B52 is about twice the size and has swept wings, a different body design and a multitude of other differences. That plane in the lake? B29, spitting image of the Enola Gay itself.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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I'd like to see you prove a faction that is better, but take i t to the other topic. And I got the model of the bomber wrong. sorry. don't get so worked up, just chill out.
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I would side with House, because of his "Get it done" attitude and his ideals of progressing mankind, but I dislike his ignorant and narcissistic opinion on the wastelanders. House has plenty of military power that is hidden beneath Fortification Hill, so I am not concerned with him being overrun- provided his bots are upgraded. I was disgusted by the Legions' cruelty and the NCR seemed to be too corrupt and pathetic to deserve my help. The boomers are my second choice, because of their self sufficient location, but if not convinced to open up to the world outside, they WILL die off, either by firepower, or inbreeding. BOS is not the noble cause it was in Fallout 3, so i didn't like their negative isolationist behavior, or their greedy acquisition of technology. The fact that they don't try and further technological advancement (you can talk to veronica about this) and instead just sit on a stockpile of old-world tech means that like the boomers, they will die out. Followers of the Apocalypse are nothing more than a charity organization, so i don't expect them to be around much longer- it's just not the nature of man to be kind and helpful, especially in the apocalypse. I haven't messed around with the Kings too much, but from what I can tell they don't do anything that is unique or special that anybody else in the wasteland could do. The plan Benny has (or had), is a mixed blessing. I would have loved if I could have done this without killing House. Maybe if you could set up your own faction elsewhere, like in Goodsprings, or overthrow the Fiends and set up a free and progressive City-State. Finally, the Fiends and Powder Gangers are short-lived, uneducated, and hostile to all. An alliance with them is out of the question. Oh, and I almost forgot- UTOBITHA! Whats not to love? They are funny, deadly, and out of the way, so I think they have a good future of amusing radio broadcasts to come, at least in my gameplay.
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isolationist behavior, or their greedy acquisition of technology. The fact that they don't try and further technological advancement (you can talk to veronica about this) and instead just sit on a stockpile of old-world tech

Welcome to the Brotherhood, this is what we're really like.

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