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Geisha Character concept...


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Ok, so for this playthrough I decided to got for a much less serious character concept than usual, settling on a character concept that loosely merges the Geisha with the fantasy Ninja; illusion magic, high personality, stealth, ect, I decided on it and figured it'd be fun.


I couldn't really get the look right for her with the default settings and armour, though; but being vaguely aware of the fact that there's all sorts of mods, so I went looking. I sifted through well over a hundred mods and the like. I may just be blind, but I can't seem to find much in the way of decent dresses for her.. got a great hairstyle thanks to Ren, Found the body-mods to give her a shape, as I figure this character would be feminine.(too bad it changes the NPCs too, but eh.), fiddled with the default textures to get the skin decent and the face-shape passable... but the clothing eludes me.


I may just be missing a already-created mod that gives me exactly what I want, fitted to a female form, in which case I will gratefully and humbly accept your direction.


I could also just change my character concept, but I decided I may as well ask here to see if anyone is looking for a project or just takes pity on me. After all, it rarely hurts to ask.


I am avoiding 'adult' mods for this.


Thanks for any help in advance....

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I can't help you with your main problem, unfortunately, but regarding this:

(too bad it changes the NPCs too, but eh.)

True Body Shapes allows you to give a custom body shape to only the player, along with clothing replacers if you have any for the body you're using.


But again, like I said, I can't help you with finding a dress for your character. Sorry.

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True Body Shapes allows you to give a custom body shape to only the player, along with clothing replacers if you have any for the body you're using.


Ohh, that'll be useful, Thank you.


How about Corthian's Japanese Clothing? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8499 and http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25908


Both offer hakama and kimono options.


It's certianly in the right ballpark, at least. It's slightly less... fancy(?) then I was going for(And I need to go for a different body-mod than planned initially, but eh.), but I hardly expect someone to make a mod for me just because I made a post on the internet. So I may have to settle for this and it'll at least get me started, thank you.


I've also found the dual-weild mods in the meantime... so tempted to use them 'just because' now.

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