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Abandoned Objects (Minor Spoilers Within)


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There they go, those bright and hopeful kids, rocketing into the sky on the lookout for a better tomorrow. Ain't it grand? You just helped Jason Bright and his ghoul companions achieve their dream. They're gone, every last one of them. They even took the ferals with them. There isn't a single member of Jason's group left in REPCONN, but they DID leave behind a whole mess of wonderful equipment! Time to get looting, right?




Because according to the game, that would be stealing and stealing is bad.


Stealing from who?


The mod idea here is to offer an alternative to the 'no karma loss for stealing' mods. The basic idea is that under certain conditions, items should lose their owned status, either because their owner clearly abandons them or is just plain dead.


This CAN apparently be done somehow, since there is at least one situation where it happens in the game (with the Vikki & Vance Casino in Primm), but for some reason it wasn't implemented across the board. Maybe to stop players from just killing NPCs and taking their stuff without taking heavy karma penalties, but it goes too far and punishes you for taking stuff that's clearly been abandoned.


So, sometimes this should be instantaneous, such as when the ghouls at REPCONN leave. If a character happens to die, it should take a certain amount of in-game time, maybe a week or so, before their homes and possessions are considered abandoned and free for salvage.

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The simplest way for the Bright Followers would be to just set the player as a member of that faction if the quest has been completed, no?


For the Bright Followers, sure, but I'm just using them as one example because they always struck me as the most outstandingly silly example (they took off on rocketships. I don't think they're going to be coming back to get that piece of scrap metal on the counter). There are plenty of other situations in the game where an object's owner is gone and not coming back, either for story reasons or because they're just dead, but you're still expected to leave their abandoned stuff alone. The idea is change object ownership for ALL of these, so that they're abandoned objects free for salvage.

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