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How can I find out how many esp's Im using?


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Ive gone into my data directory and counted every file that had the extension .esp, the total is 257. And Ive counted every esp that's activated in the left hand column of OBMM, and the total for that is 179.


Im confused, does OBMM take into account every esp Oblivion is using? Will the 255+ files in my data folder affect my game even though not all of them are activated?

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[...] Will the 255+ files in my data folder affect my game even though not all of them are activated?

Yes. Oblivion has a limit of how many files can be loaded in the Data folder. The limit is somewhere around 400. This includes any combination of ESP, ESM, and BSA files. So it's best to only have files you're using in your Data folder and remove the rest. This not only helps avoid prematurely reaching the limit, but it's just good practice. You also won't merge a mod, or some contents of a mod, you are not using into your Bashed Patch accidentally.


For the most accurate count of mods [that require the use of an ESP/ESM file] use Wrye Bash and look in the lower right corner. You'll see where it says something along the following. Mods: 141/173. This means you have a total of 173 total mods that are using an ESP or ESM file. Out of those 173, 32 of them are merged and are not fully active. Meaning they are either fully merged into the Bashed Patch and inactive (+); or they are partially merged and are virtually active. (**)


NOTE: Concerning mods that are merged; they may also have, under certain special cicumstances, a red + or **. This only applies to a very small number of mods usually of the filter variety.


The 255 limit (0-254) only applies to active ESPs and ESMs. The 400-ish limit applies to all files in the Data folder, active or inactive.

Edited by Smooth613
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