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Weird texture glitch on skirt!

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I made a custom belly dance dress using the Type 3 body, and spent hours just doing the texture. It looks fine in Nifskope and in the GECK (although the latter doesn't show the transparency properly) but then I played it in-game, and look what happens!




The skirt portion appears super posterized and even glows, for whatever reason, although there isn't even a glow-map on there. Earlier, my transparency masks weren't working until I realized there was no alpha node on it in nifskope. So I copied and pasted one from one of my other meshes. But I think I was playing around and changed some settings before I figured out there was supposed to be an alpha node, and I might have put in some weird numbers in the material node settings, although I'm sure I put them all back to default....


Here's how it looks in Nifskope:




So, any idea on what might be going on here?

Edited by kungfubellydancer
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Normally i add the nialphaproperty by right clicing on the nitristrips node node > add property > nialphaproperty.


The flags value probly defaults to 237 or whatever it is.. change that to 4845 is the normal number to use. Different flag value can be used if u have problem going in water or something.

I have problem going in water so i used 4846 instead but,. I am only sure its good for my system with hd4850 on it. I dont know about other system.


Anyway on nifskope i have difficulty seeing the effect of the normalmap, i dont think it renders it the same as the game.


Looks like your problem is the normalmap. How is it u created that? I create my normalmaps out of the color texture in photoshop.


I got artifacts from baking it in blender so i havent tried it recently.


There is this normaalmap making tool called ndo That is easy to accidentaly make the normalmap too severe and it could look like this sometimes.


Also the alpha channel of the normalmap is gonna control the intensity of light reflection on it.


Ok and also it could be with the material property settings, there is a material property inside of the nitristrips block also.

Select it and look around. u got specular and emissive color settings that usually u just set em to black.

Then there is glossiness setting That is controlling the scale of light reflection on it. its called specularity, so if u read that somewhere.


I hope that it helps u fix your texture!

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I checked around and compared all the material properties to other working meshes, and they all seemed the same. There was nothing wrong with the normal map. I even made a new one and it still had the same problem.


I managed to fix it, however, by simply importing into Blender and re-exporting, no changes made. After I re-assigned all the same textures and normal maps, it worked just fine in-game. Once again, though, thanks for your help; you are life saver.

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Hm. I wonder what caused the problem..


Lol u are a magnet tho for all the issues huh.


Sometimes u get artifacts in the normals or something. U can export a body and get these white squigglys. but u dont get so much of em like that.

Those ive had before and usually update tangent spaces spell fixes it.


One time i had a squiggly on my hair but i couldnt get it off and i had to set tspace flag to 0 tho.

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