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Highest Level possible?


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Just throwing it out there, power leveling in Oblivion is generally not a good idea, unless you want to cry your way through the game. In order to level as high as possible, your best bet is to start with a race with conflicting class bonuses so they don't start too high, then every time you level up make sure to add your points to the attributes that don't get a bonus, so they're only being raised one point per level.


Since this game is leveled to you, enemies get progressively stronger based on your level. Creatures like Goblin Warlords gain ridiculous stats as you level up but, after around 35 or so you're going to find your equipment isn't going to match up against your opponents. Combat will be long, tedious, and deadly.


Instead of spending countless hours filling your foot with bullet holes, concentrate on making sure you're powerful, sooner. Gauge what major and minor skills you're leveling to make the best out of each level. Ideally, every level you should aim for minor skills that share two different attributes and between them gather ten to twenty points before leveling up with you ten major skill boosts.


So let's say one level you put five points into Blade, five points into... Light Armor. You're ready to level up. If you do now, you'll be getting 3 or so points to Strength and Agility. Good, but it could be better. Instead wait on sleeping and focus on a couple minor skills. Say... Blunt, Athletics, and Armorer are all minor skills. You raise Blunt and Athletics by 3 (Strength and Agility, respectively,) and Armorer (Endurance) by 8 because you have a ton of Repair hammers on you. :) Now if you were to go to sleep, you Attribute leveling options would be Strength +5, Agility +5, Endurance +5.


That is a perfect level right there. If you kept up making sure three attributes per level were being raised by 5, you'd have your attributes and skills maxed out in no time, and devastating the competition like nobody's business, because the game's leveled to you, and you'll have stats that rival characters with twice your level.


In closing, Oblivion's leveling system is not one you want to scale, it's one you want to make the best of every level.


Hope this post entertained someone, apologies for any inaccuracies regarding skill versus attribute leveling bonuses.


But of course, if you're a sucker for punishment and just enjoy wasting away insane amounts of time trying to hit a ridiculous number for the sheer sport of it, then ignore all of this. XD

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Well I mentioned earlier that power leveling to extremely high leveling is pointless in a couple of my earlier posts on this thread. The only reason I'm here discussing it is simply to see how high we can go. So I guess in a sense we are suckers for punishment xD


Well atleast I am ;D

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Well alright then, I'll send you my guide, Its a bit lengthy so please bare with me. Also, its not so much a guide as it is a step by step guide of how I got to 240 so it may be a bit linear. But if you're buddy is interested so be it. I've no problem with that. Apparently DeathRaze is making me send the guide anyways because he's to "lazy" to have made one himself :P

I would just like to point out that while I got to level 232, I'm sorry I didn't bother to make a guide detailing everything I did to get that high. Turns out I'm normal and don't feel the need to write down everything I do concerning powerleveling. :tongue:

Oh and another thing, since you already had a guide made, why would I bother spending an hour typing up a step by step guide when someone already did the leg work? I'm not lazy, I just have common sense :thumbsup:

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Well I mentioned earlier that power leveling to extremely high leveling is pointless in a couple of my earlier posts on this thread. The only reason I'm here discussing it is simply to see how high we can go. So I guess in a sense we are suckers for punishment xD


Well atleast I am ;D


Ah, you did. didn't you? Snuck it in at the end of your first post... anyway, I uh... wish you folks the best of luck in your leveling endeavors! You are a brave folk, braver than I. :)

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The max possible level is, in fact, 255. That is because that is the highest (decimal) number that can be represented in a two digit hexadecimal number (FF hex).


Just saying. :whistling:


I actually have to admit my ignorance on that point. I have encountered the figure, but learned why that was the case. Thanks for the info Qwaxalot!


And I am looking forward to your guide NinjaGoddess, Thanks!

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The max possible level is, in fact, 255. That is because that is the highest (decimal) number that can be represented in a two digit hexadecimal number (FF hex).


Just saying. :whistling:


I actually have to admit my ignorance on that point. I have encountered the figure, but learned why that was the case. Thanks for the info Qwaxalot!


And I am looking forward to your guide NinjaGoddess, Thanks!

Speaking of Ayra, she wanted me to let you know that she will get you that guide as soon as she can, but she just started college yesterday and has a job interview tomorrow, so her schedule is REALLY busy. She's "Sorry for any inconvienances" as she put it lol. Anyways she'll get it to you next time she has time to go online.

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Okay sorry about the long wait. It's a been a long and stressful week and this is the first time I've been able to actually take the time to sit down and post. Anyways, I have the guide, I made some modifications to it, since it didn't make much sense when I read it myself. I had after all originally made it for myself so I basically redid the whole thing. That all being said, I'll send it to Voivode, and if there is anyone else that wishes to know the method of gaining ridiculously high levels, then just message me and I'll send it to you.
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You know, after seeing that guide for myself, I think you should try putting that as FAQ format and submitting it to gamefaqs or neoseeker, none of them have a 200+ guide and I've read a few threads of people asking for it. I think you and I are among the very few who bothered to level that high and know how to do it. Seriously, atleast think about sending one in :)
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You know, after seeing that guide for myself, I think you should try putting that as FAQ format and submitting it to gamefaqs or neoseeker, none of them have a 200+ guide and I've read a few threads of people asking for it. I think you and I are among the very few who bothered to level that high and know how to do it. Seriously, atleast think about sending one in :)

An FAQ? Umm no way lol. I have pretty much no more free time anymore, and I don't know how to write in FAQ format lol. Come to think of it, the only FAQ I ever did was of Yoshi's Island for the SNES YEARS ago, so yeah, no more FAQs for me :)

Nevertheless, I *do* appreciate the positive feedback though :P

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