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Suggestions: new character.


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Hello all,


I am about to start a new game - reinstalling at the moment, trying to fix my almost-successful FCOM install - and I'd love if you could help me with my fight-mage idea I have. I understand that a durable, beefy mage has a great potential since touch spells are favorable, but there is one thing - I don't like touch spells nor do I plan to use them. I want to build a battle mage who is going to bombard enemies from distance, then use summons and switch to melee; I dislike debuffs as well. Now, although not the most efficient way of fighting, I believe it's still playable - I don't remember Oblivion being that hard, but it was more like FallOut2 in my memory - you could finish it even hand to hand, if you only wanted it to do it that way.


I am still asking you if I will be able to play this way? I could play pure mage until I become stronger, if it's not possible at lower levels. All suggestions are more than welcome!


If you agree this is viable, what do you suggest? Although I like Alchemy and playing with it, I could live without it; I never use it to make money anyway. I like my character intelligent, but since Destruction is governed by Willpower, wouldn't Wil + Str be a more logical choice?


Thanks in advance, this makes me quite excited!

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Contrary to what governing attributes imply, all magical 'damage' is based on Intelligence and the matching magical skill. Thus, having high willpower does not increase the effectiveness of destruction, alteration or restoration; willpower (as it increases in blocks of 10) increases the percentage of recovery of magicka per second. Thus, willpower is important, but not at the cost of intelligence, which would give you a greater magicka pool to play with. Personaly, I disdain mages, but the combination you are describing is plausible, although you would be mixing into all three classes slightly.


You would need:

Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alchemy, Light armor, Blade/Blunt and possibly Block or Illusion.


Destruction and Restoration are a given with any pure or intelligent oriented character. Conjuration is a focus of your build also.


Alchemy I find is probably the best magic skill because it requires little specialisation to use it. Also, It grants the opportunity to use all classes of magic and make frightening amounts of money from 7-10 gold restore fatigue potions from 4 gold of basic food.


I have not included alteration and mysticism, even though they have some great auxilary spells, but it is good to keep them minor skills so you can train them easily to give yourself good level up modifiers. (I'm so traditionalist :D )


Light armor will help protect you, keep you mobile, and also benfit your usage of bound armor (which is light armor)


Blade / Blunt is your choice, but blunt offers more damage per hit rather than the speed of blades.


Block / Illusion is your choice, but should depend on whether you favour combat or stealth / auxillary spells.


I would recomend use of Dunmer (Dark Elves) for they support light armored combat / magic types. However, Bretons and High Elves are not out of the question if you choose illusion (and thus more of a mage class)


Your favored attributes should be strength and intelligence, although if you plan on investing in luck (i.e., if your going to use the account "long-term") then pick luck.

Birthsign should be Mage, the other two are very sharp double-edged swords.

Specialisation....you can figure that out.

Ay. my hands hurt. I hope it helps, and to others that plan on rather unique characters.

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