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Poor Performance


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Running this game on a i7-950/Gtx 460 sli/6gb ram pc, i'm getting unusually low fps very often, both outdoors and indoors, which does not seem to change no matter what graphics settings i use. The only thing that seems to fix it is to use the pcb console command but it does get kind of annoying having to use the command after every single load screen. I have checked cpu/gpu usage and none of it reaches close to 100%, Not sure if it's relevant but this is on Steam, and it should be fully patched.


Well, it turns out i know why now, for reasons i don't know, the more items i carry inside my inventory, the laggier it gets in-game outside the pip boy. I did not have this kind of issue in fo3, wish i could figure out why, really don't even need to carry that much to start lagging

Edited by Lansat
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