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Hearthfires Idea


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First of all, I cannot wrap my head around 3D modeling, I've tried for years (since the days I was modding Oblivion all the way until today), and could get the hang of it, so I cannot do this myself.


The one major thing about Heartfires that has bothered be the most (other than the too bright lighting issue) is the fact that all the houses are exactly the same.


What I would like to see, at least on the outside, have the houses look different. The Morthal hose should be a big, brooding, solid stone edifice, the Dawnstar house should be a combination of stone and wood, and the Falkreath house can stay the way it is. Optimally they would use different models and look a feel drastically different, even if it's just a texture change it would help.


Like I said at the start, I can't do it.


Can anyone out there do it? Has it been done and I'm being dense and wasting your time? ;)

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