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CTD if i talk to Boone


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i went to talk to boone after doing what he asked and once i get to the dino mouth it will CTD before or after i talk to him.


it only CTD at the point it tries to save the game weather using the door or quick saving and with or without talking and getting the completion bonus or asking to be companion or not.


i think i tried every way there was and finally i just never went to talk to him so i could continue the game but what is going on with that? i have the PC version patched to v1.7 and im aware boone is said to be buggy but AFAIK he is supposed to actually work isnt he?

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List the mods you have installed and check the reason for the crash in the log files

(Administrative tools --> Event Viewer --> Aplication)

Edited by Jagermh
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mod list is:


26 fixes

100 repair

add syringe

add empty bottle

automatic automatic rifles

black mountain radio rhonda

cas gone rouge & factionless

chet merchant

cleaned and fortified novac

companion infinate ammo (for any weapons you give them)

fast travel indoors

get gun for gun trap

increased legion

jean sky diving player house

lady jane quest fix

magnum sniper rifle (normal)

more ammo dropped (from dead enemies)

more weight (increases your carry weight)

mr moneybags

no scope wobble

no degredation

perk every level

rich traders

shotgun performance

star bottle caps (stash box cheat)

tag skills improved

virus hunt (time extension cheat)

whet stone repair (repairs bladed weapons)



i have ALL of these installed using the built in game mod installer


and to the best of my knowlegde none have companion issue conflicts



i read them all and was carefull not to download mods with any issues and while i could have made a mistake i am pretty sure none of these mods have any reported conflicts of there own.


the likelyhood of a "mod soup" is my thought but im hoping someone has clues where to begin or maybe someone has already found the issue i experienced and knows what mod (if any) is causing it..

Edited by webster63
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turns out it was the "cleaner fortified novac" mod


i figured it was about novac so maybe it fubared the scripting or something and sure enough removing it solved the CTD



i guess you cant use that mod untill you get boone but then how often do you revisit places where all quests are done?


the mod did make novac look great so i guess it depends how bad you want boone as a companion

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