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Super Mutant race playable


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Hi! Is there a way to make a super mutants playable? I think it would be interesting to play as a super mutant. They are forer humans, after all, and many are very intelligent in peaceful... Can someone create such mod, please? Edited by ioshilee
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Might try to do this, I'll see if its possible to get it working good. armor won't work but I'll work on it.

Thanks, man! That would be great! :) I will be very happy to play a super mutant even without any armor... All a good super mutant needs, is his fists and a BIG NASTY GUN anyway ;)

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Well, playable races are constrained by size, so when I place the super mutant meshes in the body meshes area, it gets constrained to a small space and squeezed together. I would also need to create an .egt file for super mutants from scratch. I don't know how hard it would be with some clever scripting. I might ask around about that.
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Damn, It's harder then I thought :( But I still hope that you'll do it :)

And if they only animated for 2-hand and for melee - it's OK :)


Checked GECK now - they really are animated for 2-hand and melee... But like I said - it's OK :) They have some animations, where they are shooting 2-handed machine gun and using only one hand. Maybe that animation can be used for 1-hand weapons... So the only problem for now is the size restrictions for playable races.

Edited by ioshilee
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I think you can if you use C.I.B' s Creature Modders Resource, He just ported it to New Vegas so you should look into it, also in Fallout 3 Nexus there was a mod or two to give the muties more animations and looks.


Edit I'm just going to copy and paste the things from my resource thread.


Creature Resources and Mods by CIB

(You should find it in the Supermutant resource pack)


Also heres a pic of Frank Horrigan, the Superist Super Baddie of the Fallout Franchise. "Fallout 2"




This ones from Fallout 3 but you can probably rig it to Vegas

More Animations For Super Mutants -- Modders Resource

Edited by simplywayne90
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Thanks, man! I'm not a modeller, but I hope that yoba333 can use it somehow :)
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Well, I could make the supermutant essentially a vehicle that the player is inside. Don't know how to do that as I never have made a vehicle mod before. I'll look around and try some stuff out. Unfortunately this weekend is jampacked for me, so no progress on any of my mods will go on until next week.
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You could try contacting C.I.B about it, since in his screenshots on Fo3nexus, it shows him using the super mutants as a player, he even has different looks for them. Really it may be a fun idea to build on. You could start in Jacobstown, and your mutie player would speak badly like in Fallout 2 when your player had an INT of 3 or less, like "Me no dumb dumb, YOU dumb dumb!" or "I go smash mean checkers man"
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