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What the..? I don't even...


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I am having an issue that just started yesterday and is driving me crazy. Basically, I've been playing Oblivion Fully Modded for the past.. 40 hours I'd say, no issues other than random crashes, which seem to be in most Bethesda Games.


So anyway, yesterday I go into Fort Virtue, clear it come out the game autosaves. No big deal, right? I then jump on my horse, start strolling toward Skingrad and BOOM crash. No a big deal. It autosaved 4 minutes before the crash, no issue. I go to load up the save, and it crashes upon loading.


So I start thinking "Umm.. Ok, corrupted save, that sucks" so I load another one that is around 1 hour earlier, again crash. So at this point I'm kinda relived and kinda freaked out. Relieved because it doesn't seem to be a save game issue (meaning no lose of data) and freaked because I have no idea what happened.


To make sure, I load a save game at the first 5 minutes of playing. Crashes. I start a new game, crashes after the Introduction (After you see the Emperor talking) so mod issue is confirmed.


But that doesn't make sense. It worked fine for 40 hours of game play. Never had an issue. I ran BOSS. I Made the Bashed Patch correctly. Everything was working 100% fine. I never changed anything, touched anything etc. So what the hell happened?


I can't pinpoint it. It SEEMED to be within the Import Actors part of the Bashed Patch as I clicked everything but that, and it ran. Soon as I click Import Actors boom, crash. But then.. Turn off Bashed Patch altogether, boom crash.


Anyone have an issue like this? It seems like a Mod (not a save) became corrupted or something.


I CAN load all save games without any patches activated. I CAN load all save games with SOME patches loaded. Finding the one doing it is making me lose my mind.



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It seemed to be caused by FCOM/WarCry. (Is it even possible for a crash to corrupted a Mod?)


Whenever I tried to Import Actors on either one, the game would crash. I just copied over .esp's from the download folder and it works.


Now I have a missing texture problem. Specifically, Redwood Warbow, which seems to be a Francesco item. After using FormID Finder, it seems it is trying to pull the texture and mesh from texture/Francesco/weapons/Adonny, which is a folder I never had.


Checking in an older Oblivion folder (I was copying the entire folder every time I installed bigger mods in-case something went wrong) and that doesn't have the folder either. Figuring I'd just reinstall, I did just that. Same problem though. Weird thing? I found the actual texture and mesh in a OOO folder.


At this point I figure after I get this issue resolved, I'll have the sky turn black and rainbow colors on the ground.. Oi Vey.


Oh, and just to make things even more sweet.. I've lost two sets of armor I had in my inventory from Oblivion Waycry, plus the armor I was currently wearing. God damn I hate this game sometimes.

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