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Massive Hype!


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Levelled enemies, huh? That's actually the detail that disturbs me. If I have to feel like the world is catering to me all the time, I lose the sense that I'm doing anything worthwhile. If enemies are levelled, then why level up? The RPG is destroyed. Thank God it won't be as bad as it was in Oblivion (I hope)!


The two best changes to the game have to be the skill/level system and the combat, for sure.

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You can meet high level enemies at lower levels, that is confirmed - You can also run into lower leveled enemies at Higher Levels, but now they often travel in packs instead of one and one. No creatures will just stop spawning, they're spawn rate may just be lowered a little at higher levels or (hopefully) their levels will just be increased. (Meaning they will not be too weak for the player, just a fair match instead of a one-hit kill...)

That is a really great way to make the leveled enemies! :)

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I'm really looking forward to the new spell effects, I think the draconic shouts include a teleportation spell which is nice to see they've added at the request of the community (or so I believe). Several types of elemental spells, like fireballs, flamethrower spells and runes that work like traps. I just hope the visuals are more grandiose than in Oblivion. I really hope there is a spell/shout that instead of summoning a dragon, actually turns you into one, so you can fly over the mountain peaks and attack cities if you so choose. Maybe this is what you get from absorbing the soul of Alduin? :)

I'm looking forward to seeing new armour and weapons, to visit the greybeards atop the 7000-step journey to High Hrothgar, and to hearing diverse voice acting from common people.

I'm looking forward to have more natural conversations, even though the zooming never bothered me before.

It's really hard to rate what I'm most thrilled about, so I'm glad it's one whole experience.. I know this is the best crafted experience I have ever had, because I can feel it in my gut. :)

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Purdy short stubby chick I can play

Anticipation of a whole new world that's familiar somehow

all of it! I'm ready let's play!

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