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Immersive Interiors


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Immersive Interiors only conflicts with one mod, that's right one. And that mod is Reneer's Interior Mod which is still in the very early stages. I'd consider it a late Alpha, early Beta release.


Anyway, the reason you are crashing is because you haven't read the documentation surrounding the mod you're trying to install. It very clearly states in the very first line of the description it requires another mod to function. This is why it's crashing on start up. That's known as a missing master crash. When a mod depends on another mod that's called a master. Without that master it cannot function.


So go read the documentation, try properly installing the mod and the prerequisites, and then it will work. There is plenty of info available on how to properly install Immersive Interiors. The ReadMe is where most people start for installation instructions.

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