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First Follower Mod : Neck Gap after import spf

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Hi Guys !!!


So i make a follower from my character, but after i import .npc file from spf, i got a neck gap on my follower mod, even though my character isnt

so i continue to the end, hope after merging the head.nif it will going to fix, but even after i did it, it doesnt change


also, after i merge, the scar not quite right


please help, i use ECE


my character




my follower mod




Edited by sanul17
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I've found that the neck gap is almost always caused by a mismatch in weight setting. For instance, you may have created the character in ECE with the weight set at 0 and then made the character body at weight 100 in creation kit or vice versa. Best to check which body .nif (body_1 or body_0) that you are using, then double check the weight of the character actor under traits tab (weight 0 or weight 100) and then make sure your ECE character was exported with the correct corresponding weight.


It is a real pain tracking these down to find which one is set wrong but that might give you a good place to start.

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Something that I have found to cause neck gap it a texture set that is named wrong. The Texture Set name should end with _1 telling Skyrim to scale the textures. If there is no _1 at the end the texture set will work fine for weight 0 to about 25 or so, then as the weight increases the neck starts to pull away from the body because weight scaling is not occurring correctly.


Example of good name from Skyrim.esm; SkinBodyMale_1 and SkinBodyFemale_1


If you create a texture set called; SkinBodyFemale_1MyNewBodyType

It will cause a neck gap glitch as weight increases because the _1 needs to be at the end of the file name.

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Usually mis-matching character weight, yea. Whatever the original weight was when spf'ing (or if updating an NPC), the weight must match what is already there. For new NPCs, you need to set weight, then import; amending after the *npc data has been imported will guarantee a neck gap.


That said, I did find that body type when rendering (saving) the face can make a difference. I saved into ECE and spf'd the face with the PetiteUNP body on and got neckgaps when exporting the face data; tried again with a more standard body (7b prob) and it was fine, and swapping the skinnier mesh back in afterwards didn't cause a further neck gap and worked fine too.

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