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NBAIO help with (removing certain) customizations


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Firstly, I'd just like to say that the NBAIO is a pretty well made mod, and all the alterations are done very well... I just, as a personal preference, don't really want to see the male character's members in game. I was wondering if there was any way of removing the male customizations (keeping the original/defaults) and keeping only the female mods.

I've tried to remove their entries in the XML section completely, and I've tried to delete the files for the male characters in override/nbaio.

Is there anything I'm missing?


Thanks a bunch.

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You can't use default male shape body while you are still using NBAIO.

Editing xml entries wouldn't help as long as male body file/mesh is still inside your override folder.

Unfortunately I forget default male body mesh name. It's been few months since I actively mod my game. I think it should be something like hm_arm_nud_0.msh.

You can delete this one but it might affect your NBAIO configuration. But as long as you don't touch male option in NBAIO configuration in future, I think it's quiet ok. Be cautios tho because I'm not so sure.

Edited by sacredtrojanblade
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You will need to remove the entire Human / Dwarf / Elf Male folders (or just the race you want to affect)

from the NBaio folder in C:\Users\Owner\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override.


You should store them away from any Bioware folder so they cannot be read by the game engine.


The game will revert to the default underwear for the chosen males.


The girls won't be affected at all.


I did this some time ago and have had no problems.

I agree with the advise not to try to touch the config settings for the males you removed in the DAMod manager.


If it screws up your game just replace the folders you removed.

Edited by Crystaltips
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