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Mounted Guns?


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I have been working for a few days making various Static Collections. One that I have made is a pickup truck with a mounted LMG on top. After making this, I began wondering about whether it's possible to make a mounted gun that can be fired. In case you're not sure what I mean, here's a link: Mounted LMG


If it's possible, I do not have the scripting know-how to achieve it, but if someone with even an inkling on an idea knows, then please, I'm curious.

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Hmm I'm not a modder as everyone knows, however because of that i can see these problems in a different light.


Now while trying to become a modder (unsuccessfully) I did run across some scripts that make me think its possible to make a "turret" or mounted gun the player can use.


Using an activator in the shape of the gun, the player can activate it and a script forces the player to equipt the weapon (ForceEquip), and of course provides ammo by adding and removing a unique ammo as the player uses the weapon, so that the player isn't weighted down with an ammo thats unusable. (Script that adds and removes items, so once the player gets off the turret the ammo disappears, and reappears again on the turret when used.)


Now the hardest part I can imagine is resicting a players movements enough to where they can look and fire from side to side without actually moving, as well as how it'd look in 3rd person,


If done right however it may make for a fun addition to Wasteland Defense, RTS, and Zombie/Ghoul killing mods or any defender mods.


It's really all a matter of scripting, which is usually the case with anything that seems impossible for the game. Like Footprints, special encounters, vehicals, airships, enemy's A.I being increase, etc. are all just big scripting projects, but not impossible.

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