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Help with Main storyline quests.

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This is about the -How Little We Know- quest.

The thing is, Im aiming for a Independent New Vegas, but cause Im dumb I end up helping this people (the Omertas) that is related with the Legion, I realized after I killed Cachino and retrieved the guns for Trokie (Im currently stuck on that part).

I tried resetting the quest but didnt work properly, couldnt find Cachinos, doors to the Zoara Club were open, and the quest of finding about factions from Yes Man still acted as if I already found out about the Omertas.

So, pretty much, I am wondering If I can still complete the quest the good way, get the Pimpboy and prevent the Omertas from attacking the strip or:

-Would I need to reset the quest and revive Cachino, and If so, how do I trigger it, and also, wanna know if It would bug the quest of finding about factions.

-Would I need to fail the quest, and if so, wanna know if it would prevent the attack from happening (at the end of the day I dont really care about the Pimpboy cause I have a female character and its buggy).

But yeah, Id prefer resetting the quest, doing it the good way and getting all rewards, so all help is appreciated, THANKS!

PS: No, obviously I dont have a prior savegame to taking the wrong way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-You can still complete Independent New Vegas, but now people are going to die in the one safe area in the Mojave...cause the Omertas will attack and lose, but the Strip will be harmed.


-Resetting quests is a very tricky business, even completing quests with the console or completing stages is wonky at best. In this case a prior save would help, but you said you don't have one.


> New Vegas Console Commands if you tried resetting then use the other command to see if the game considers if the quest is complete 1 is yes 0 is no. If the game says 0 but you can't restart it then your kinda s*** out of luck.

Better luck next playthrough


- Getting the Pimp Boy 3 Billion is depended on having spoken to Mick and asked about guns and then asking about business, so he gives you a note, then you have to complete the quest with Cachino as the new don in order to get business back to Mick, who in turn gifts the the gold Pimp Boy 3 billion.

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