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TES Modder Central, and Affiliates are announcing construction of a Large Scale Mod, which adds:


A Whole New Landmass

An Expendable Main Quest

100's of New Creatures, Weapons, and Items

Large Varieties of New Architecture Styles

Scores Of New Duchies, Counties, and Baronies

1,000's Of New NPCs

Over 10 New Joinable Factions, with Hierarchies

50+ New Quests

25+ New Classes

15+ New Races

A Myriad of New Cultures and Religions


The Storyline is as follows:


A large scale mod that actually takes place on the planet you see in the sky at night. It takes place in comparison to Europe the 1200's A.D. and there will be races, religions, and cultures spanning from East Asia, The Middle East, To Europe, and all the way to the Americas, of course not actual size, but culture wise. Despite the way it sounds this is NOT A TOTAL CONVERSION, there will be a very small questline giving you access to a portal that is linked to Cyrodiil, yet the Chargen will be replaced. I currently have a few experienced mappers, and an excellent scripter, also I am also using the Oblivion Voice Actors Guild for spoken dialogue, but am in dire need of a quester, and even more so Moddeler\Texturer, someone with photoshop.


Anyone interested just post how you would like to help, even if its just for ideas, or you want to be a part of it in any way.


My email is : [email protected]

My Site Is : Http://www.Tesmoddercentral.Jconserv.Net

Otherwise post, or PM me



Modders Needed


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Well this sounds interesting. The best of luck to you and your team! Hopefully once your project is complete it will hear the buzzing sound of another's harddrive.
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Try this link instead:


EDIT: I mean instead of the first link. The second one works fine.


Good luck, and a couple questions:

1) You don't mention modelers, yet you plan on new architecture and cultures. How will this work?

2) Does the 50+ quests include or exclude faction quests?

3) Masser or Secunda?


I hope it's Masser.


How large will the mod be. It can't be too large, or it will take forever to dl, and nobody will have the patience. Be sure that you keep the size to the minimum. The file size does not show quality.

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<nested quote removed>


I hope it's Masser.


How large will the mod be. It can't be too large, or it will take forever to dl, and nobody will have the patience. Be sure that you keep the size to the minimum. The file size does not show quality.

I would say don't worry about the file size until you've finished. Once finished, you should consider whether a trimmed-down version (using default resources instead of custom ones, and such stuff) is desirable.

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