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Hello modders out there. I wanted to suggest a mod that I think would be cool.

How long does it take to find a vehicle? :smile: a vehicle with a mounted gun?? it can take a while. If there were garages where you could park that bad boy in there and save it; that would be really cool... but...

- A special location where vehicles, could be modded and then driven back to a safe house with a garage. Add armor, engine upgrade, a gun if it doesnt already have one.. mounted grenade launcher anyone?

- Use a Gun for Hire token to have he/she take your vehicle back to it's garage for you OR drive to your waypoint with you in the gunner seat?

- Several things could be changed to maintain balance and continue to provide a challenge

-If vehicle gets blown up or does not get returned to the garage it's gone forever

-Place a cool down timer on repair tool

-Repair tool takes longer to repair fully

-Considerable prices placed on garages (350k ?), upgrades like salvaged armor (400k ?), an upgrade location and a mechanic (1.5m ?)

-Missions for the player to retrieve parts for the mechanic and reduce the huge cost of upgrades

-Slightly reduce the overall vehicle count

Now that would be amazing!

I can make 3d models and textures plus I have a little experience making house mods for Skyrim

I have seen this basic discussion in a few locations and the response seems to be split; however, there were no ideas on how to offset the ability of owning / saving a vehicle.

Let me know what you guys think!

Edited by bdragon254
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