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Fo3Edit issue


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Being as my Fallout folder is still relatively small (17gb) I keep a stable barebones version of it on my external drive-with few mods, Fomm and fose etc.

Since FOMM basically allows gameplay without the disc I normally don't have an issue-unless i want a vanila install.

Last week, my backpack with my laptop with all my games(discs) was stolen. (on a sidenote-its been a real pain since second semester started this week)

My Fallout3 GOTY edition was in that pack unfortunately. Now I mentioned earlier that I can play normally without the disc. However, I just upgraded my desktop to windows 7, and so transferred my Fallout files and saves, but upon launching Fo3edit, I ended up with the error.

"Fatal: Could not open registry key: \SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout3\"


I learned that under normal circumstances, simply running the launcher would fix this issue, but i don't have my disc-and if I had a cracked version, it wouldn't be an issue. So, does anyone know a way to manually fix this registry issue? I'd appreciate any helpful tips, advice or walkthroughs and i know I'm not the only one with this issue.

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you need your Goty disc to reinstall the game..to write installation path in registry..

to edit registry manually add this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout3 and new string value 'Installed Path' then type your falout3 installation.

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