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Don't look at me (no more NPC/follower headtracking)


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Hi everyone,


I am currently in a RP where I am not the Dragonborn. My follower however (or any NPC) looks at me -the whole damn time-


It's not natural, it's some evil daedric spell even! I tried searching but I didn't find a mod that addresses this. Not sure if it is even possible to have my follower look around a little bit to maybe other markers on the map (outdoors), or other NPCs nearby (indoor)


Love to hear what others think or know about this, and if there is a 'market' for such a mod.



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I did this accidentally with an NPC once, disabling the head tracking means they also don't look at the player when you're speaking to them. However, if you're ok with that, this type of thing can be easily achieved if you just go into the CK, open up 'Race' in the 'Character' menu, and untick the box that says 'Uses Head Track Anims' on each race.

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Are you using Followers As Companions by any chance? I remember seeing that weird headtracking glitch in videos and it being discussed in the forums. NPCs should headtrack other NPCs as they pass or talk, although I haven't really been paying attention to how much they look at my character. I kinda just ignore them. If they sandbox they should look at other places like crafting stations they're interacting with until you engage them in conversation.

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Robberfox : certainly worth a shot, I don't think i'd mind...thanks!


Laereal : I did, but uninstalled...maybe it is still in my savegame, so that could be another thing of note.


Hmmm...another idea would be to decrease time to sandbox perhaps.....

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