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The Latest Skyrim News


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As many of you may or may not use steam to play games, I glanced over the their news section and found this article pertaining to the release of Skyrim:




After reading over it, I can't say I'm any in the least dissapointed or any less excited for the release of this game. Even with the scant info provided by the short description, it really sounds like bethesda has truly listened to their many fans. Addressing problems from leveling to "dynamic combat" it sounds like we really do have a pretty awesome game on the way. I really loved Oblivion, but I have no doubt in my mind that Skyrim will most undoubtedly blow Oblivion out of the water. I would strongly encourage you to at least browse it, as it puts at least some speculation to rest about the content of the new game. Please, by all means leave your own comments, I want this to start conversation about Skyrim!

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I didn't think about that; it would really put a damper on the game in general if they did make you go through steam. I prefer just the good old put the disc in, install, and play instead of the steam mode. But anyway thats just where i saw the news link, I don't really think though that they have anything to do with how the game will be released.
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Agreed, it will certainly be the retail version for me. Plus, if you are like me and install most of your mods manually, steam makes it more tiresome to do so, which of course always makes the retail version more appealing.


But still, all steam discussion aside, i encourage everyone to read the link I posted above and start some good Skyrim discussion!

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  • 5 months later...

yeah agreed with commandercrazy. That was one of the biggest headache with the other big release DA2. Bought retail and ended up cracking it.

This game looks sick. gonna do a mega upgrade just for Skyrim. it would help if bethesda released some kinda Req indication.

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I think they've mentioned the Dark Brotherhood once, but they haven't really talked about it since. Oh well, if they don't include it we always have mods.
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can we be sure that it's not a requirement to go through steam? i bought shogun total war from walmart, and had to download it completely through steam. turns out my internet was too slow to download the entire game. the waiting time was 1 year. so i paid 50 dollars for a game i still haven't got a chance to play. i'm thinking of sueing to be honest.
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