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Chorrol Mages Guild


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Ok, here's a problem I've recently developed in my game. I can't get into the Chorrol Mage Guild, that is, though the door icon looks normal, the doors won't activate. I can't get past them to the inside. I have no idea why this started happening. I'm thinking of just DLing a mod that provides MW style guild guides so I can teleport inside, but I'd rather just have the doors work.


Any ideas what might be going on here? Anyone else have this problem with those doors or any others? I'd also consider trying the coc command, but I don't know the location ID for inside the building and haven't used that particular command before.



Chief Sliding Weasel

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Well, whatever it is seems to have cleared up after I finished the Mage Guild Quest and become Arch-Mage. I can't say for sure it was related to some aspect of the MG quest itself, but it's gone and that's the bottom line.


Speaking of bottom line. how lazy is it of Bethesda to let you make Arch-Mage rank and either stop the Bruma MG guild from burning and decorate it again as if you as Arch-Mage wouldn't have done it, or for Beth to add a bit of interest to the game by letting you have the character option of putting the place together again with some furniture shopping and deciding who to put in the guild there. The NPC's won't even recognize you as Arch-Mage, well not so far at least.



Chief Sliding Weasel

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