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BUG: Creation Kit CTRL+F4 Dialog Says it Exported but it Doesn't?

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(I realized that I should have posted this in the Mod Author forums instead of the Mod Troubleshooting Forum, sorry)


I have encountered the strangest bug this morning. I open up my mod in Creation Kit and set my mod to the active plugin.

I click on Actors and select the NPC's that I want to Export their FaceGeom and use CTRL+F4.

It goes through the usual dialog about "Export Face Gen Data for All Selected NPCs?" click "YES" and it instantly says "DONE" with no delay (it is never that fast) so I click "OK" to end the dialog.


However, the cake is a lie and when I go under the FaceGeom folder for the .esp, NOTHING has exported for that .esp, it didn't even create a new folder, the .nifs, or textures....nothing!


I have rebooted my machine and performed a full shutdown and restarted to clear out any weird bugs in memory.


However, it is still doing it...


Anyone see this problem before?


I'm considering overwriting my download of creation kit with a new fresh install but that seems extreme at this point, as the problem just started today.


Edit: I am using Creation Kit Version



Thanks for the tip Dragonfire!

UPDATE: I uninstalled and reinstalled Creation Kit and was still experiencing the bug. So I tried a different .esp and it worked fine. So the question is how I managed to mess up my mod's .esp so bad that the face geom won't export. :ermm:

Edited by TokkiMoon
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This is probably a longshot, but I remember seeing once somebody else complaining about a similar problem and reading a reply that changing the NPC race to something else and then changing it back let the data export.


Trouble is (at least when I'm using the CK) changing race wipes out all the FaceGen work and you have to start over with the customizing.


Just thought I'd toss that out in case it was a similar glitch in the CK.

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