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map with coordinates matching the CS

Dubious Cat

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does anyone kjnow where ei can get a map with coordinates that correspond to those in the CS? because i want to make a house with a good veiw of the surrounding landscape, but i cant see it on the CS, and i cant tell where my house is supposed to go by using coordinates. usually when i find what looks like the spot of land i had my eye on, it turns out it is past the borders of the game. what i really want for this mod is to have it where a house would be useful, like along one of the main roads, as that is the thing i like least about not using fast-travel; nowhere to rest. ANYWAY i need a map with coordinates so i dont have to spend hours loading the right bit of road :dry: please help anyone who can!


PS ive searched Google already XD

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does anyone kjnow where ei can get a map with coordinates that correspond to those in the CS? because i want to make a house with a good veiw of the surrounding landscape, but i cant see it on the CS, and i cant tell where my house is supposed to go by using coordinates. usually when i find what looks like the spot of land i had my eye on, it turns out it is past the borders of the game. what i really want for this mod is to have it where a house would be useful, like along one of the main roads, as that is the thing i like least about not using fast-travel; nowhere to rest. ANYWAY i need a map with coordinates so i dont have to spend hours loading the right bit of road :dry: please help anyone who can!


PS ive searched Google already XD


I have looked for one too! Sadly, I haven't found one yet. Try searhing on dogpile ( www.dogpile.com ).

It's like google, yahoo!, and all these other searches combined.

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-Go to the location you want to use.

-Now, select 2 known locations. I would recommend using ones that are fairly close to your present location, and whose bearings are as close to a 90-degree angle to each other as possible.

-Point yourself towards the first location. Write down the name of the first location. Enter `GetAngle z` in the console, and write the result next to the location name.

-Repeat the above with the second location.


-Open the CS, find the CS position of each location's exterior door.

-From the 2 known positions, and the 2 known angles, calculate the position you were trying to find.




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